[ Path of War ] Slayer Advice

Advice and Rules Questions


Our group has been playing with Path of War in our campaign. It's become too much work for the DM to handle with the AP so we are mostly going to drop it. This requires a rebuild on my end from a Warlord/Stalker(Vigilante). I'm allowed to take the Martial Training line of feats with the Veiled Moon discipline to help replicate the character. I'm looking to get some advice for feat/talent selection.

Bard(Archaeologist) 2 / Slayer 9
Aasimar (Azata - Scion of Humanity alt trait)
Str: 10
Dex: 18
Con: 15
Int: 14
Wis: 12
Cha: 14
Favored Class (Slayer): 6/6 Ext Slayer Talent, 3/6 Slayer Talent

Feats/Slayer Talents

Lv 1: Weapon Finesse(free, campaign), Deadly Agility
Lv 2: Slayer Talent - Ranger combat Style (Archery: Rapid Shot)
Lv 3: martial Training 1
Lv 4: Slayer Talent - Combat Feat (Deadly Aim)
Lv 5: Martial Training 2
Lv 6: Slayer Talent - combat Style (Improved Precise Shot)
Lv 6: Slayer Talent - ?
Lv 7: Leadership
Lv 8: Slayer Talent - Combat Feat (Martial Training 3)
Lv 9: Martial Training 4
Lv 11: Martial Training 5

Manuevers R = Readied

Dimensional Strike
Spirit Sensing Stance

Fading Strike

Formless Dance Stance
Ghost Walk - R
Altered Penumbra - R

Flicker Strike - R
Fading Leap - R
Ethereal Reminiscence

Essence Shattering Strike - R
Stance of the Ether Gate

I went for a bit of a switch hitter build but I'm not married to it. The leadership feat may or may not stay. Shit has gotten real and I might send the NPC away so they don't die horribly. Thanks in advance.

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