Ghoul Rogue

Homebrew and House Rules

This guy is a lot of fun to play. Make of him, what you will.

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Duane Robertson 6 wrote:

This guy is a lot of fun to play. Make of him, what you will.

Character Front
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Token Back

2 spells but no ability to use them seems odd. The "capturing" paralyzed targets is flavorful. Shouldn't it also not work against Undead?

Ron Lundeen wrote:

2 spells but no ability to use them seems odd. The "capturing" paralyzed targets is flavorful. Shouldn't it also not work against Undead?

I wanted him to have spell-like abilities before he actually gets arcane. He collects enough cards that banishing two doesn't hurt him.

Actually, the recharge ability is supposed to be his ghoul disease, turning everything into ghouls. I was thinking that elves were immune to that too, but it doesn't say so.

I also liked the idea of him being able to control other undead, so I just lumped them in. I could add elementals to the list of forbidden types though.

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