Grabbing Style & Flurry of Blows

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

Grabbing Style is a style granted to people who have Flurry of Blows-like class features. However, grappling is a standard action and nowhere does it say that you can initiate a grapple in place of a normal attack. You can trip, sunder and all that jazz as you like with Flurry of Blows, but not grappling (which makes sense, grappling is powerful), but if this feat is specifically intended for people with Flurry of Blows, does that mean that the qualifier "grapple with one hand without penalty" allows a monk to make a flurry of blows and substitute all attacks with grapples?

I know that I'm reading rather far into the RAI, but I'm really confused about how I'm supposed to use Flurry of Blows at this point.


What Grabbing Style is essentially setting you up to do, is grapple Multiple foes at the same time with less of a penalty. It let's you grapple one-handed without the painful -4... so you have a hand free for whatever for another grapple. Personally I feel it's greatly catered towards the Tetori Monk.

Look at the entry under Graceful Grappler:
At 8th level, a tetori gains the grab special attack when using unarmed strikes (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 301), and can use this ability against creatures his own size or smaller by spending 1 point from his ki pool, or against larger creatures by spending 2 points from his ki pool. At 15th level, a tetori gains the constrict special attack (Bestiary 298), inflicting his unarmed strike damage on any successful grapple check. This ability replaces flurry of blows.

Using a standard action to grapple isn't even something to think about anymore after that. Your regular Unarmed attacks just get free grapples upon hitting a target.

Grappling on it's own is still a standard action, and cannot be used in place of an attack or FoB attack.


I hope that helps clear up any confusion for you.

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