Limning and Spell Resistance

Rules Questions

Does the Limning magic weapon special ability have SR? The base spell of Faerie Fire does but the wording in the weapon description speaks differently.


Price +1 bonus
Aura faint evocation; CL 5th; Weight —


When a liming weapon is wielded, a pale glow outlines it.

On a successful strike against a creature affected by a means of magical concealment, the weapon outlines the creature in faerie fire (as the spell) for 1 round. Magical means of concealment include blur, displacement, invisibility, and similar effects, whether from a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural means, but not those provided by extraordinary abilities . A liming weapon has no special effect against creatures merely hiding or concealed by non-magical means, or those hidden by environmental conditions (even magical) such as darkness or fog.


Craft Magic Arms and Armor, faerie fire; Cost +1 bonus

On a successful strike against a creature affected by a means of magical concealment, the weapon outlines the creature in faerie fire (as the spell) for 1 round.

IMHO that means that the faerie fire effect already affects the subject of your attack. I'd like to think that SR doesn't apply as well, but that's my 2 cents.


This question arose as a result of a discussion Rene, Dallas and I were having this morning and we'd love to hear some opinions.

My own is that since it affects the target "as the spell" and the spell in question allows SR, Limning would also allow SR. You would use the CL of the effect (CL5) to determine whether a target under the effect of magical concealment who had spell resistance was affected.

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