PCGen 6.06.00 -- Adding Pathfinder Templates

Product Discussion

Hey all, I could use some help. I recently downloaded PCGen and would like to use it to create GM content for my Pathfinder campaign. Specifically, I'd like to add some custom templates for undead creatures and it appears that the default Pathfinder content within the application doesn't have an undead template.

Could someone point me in the direction of either an updated PCGen Pathfinder template file (which may have the missing content) or perhaps let me know where to go to create my own?

Which undead template are you looking for? Vampire? Ghost? Lich? Something else? Some sort of "generic" undead template?

What content do you feel is missing?

As far as creating your own content, I should probably have some links on hand, but let me do some research ...

First, there are the help files. They include some "classes" that lead you through some things, and a big reference guide.

Second, you could go to pcgen.org and click on the "Help and Support" tab near the top. You can get to the documentation/help files there, too, but there are also some video tutorials, and some links to the PCGen forums, the e-mail LST file help, and a live chat link which can be helpful.

What all sources are you loading? And what type of undead are upi trying to make the undead templates are broken out into ghost, skeleton, zombie, etc.

If you click on the templates tab and start typing in the top it will filter for you.

I'm looking to create a Lich NPC character in PCGen. Therefore, I would like to begin creating a classic NPC (I've loaded Pathfinder RPG for Game Masters", and add the various abilities; such as Damage Resistance, Immunity to cold, electricity, and undead traits. Is there an easy way to accomplish this?

In order to add the Lich Acquired Template, you have to create an evil character, level it to whatever level you want, then select templates and in the list of templates will be lich. Add that and you have a lich <whatever>.

I just did it using an NPC Drow Necromancer 9th level.

-- david

I know this is an extremely old thread but I am currently looking for the same thing. Most specifically a Vampire Template. Anyone happen to know where I can locate one?

Sabamonster wrote:
I know this is an extremely old thread but I am currently looking for the same thing. Most specifically a Vampire Template. Anyone happen to know where I can locate one?


PCGen v6.08.00 RC8 and loading Pathfinder RPG for Game Masters. Start a new character, Templates, Vampire is there. Select it and it shows the Prerequisites.

Any one know how to add a template missing from pcgen? Looking for the Daikaiju template.


search for pcgen tutorials

should be one of those.

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