Interactive Maps not working..?

Jade Regent

I'm DMing for the first time, and got the interactive maps with Jade Regent. The pdf files open fine in Adobe Reader. The player and DM views with and without grids work fine too. But I can't access any of the lettered locations. I know a more detailed map is supposed to show of the rooms, but all I get is the dotted outline of a square. I'm trying this on an Apple Mac, but everything I looked up says that Adobe Reader should be working fine.

Am I missing something here, or do I really just have the wrong computer for this?

barrel of oregano wrote:

I'm DMing for the first time, and got the interactive maps with Jade Regent. The pdf files open fine in Adobe Reader. The player and DM views with and without grids work fine too. But I can't access any of the lettered locations. I know a more detailed map is supposed to show of the rooms, but all I get is the dotted outline of a square. I'm trying this on an Apple Mac, but everything I looked up says that Adobe Reader should be working fine.

Am I missing something here, or do I really just have the wrong computer for this?

As far as I know, the location letters in the interactive maps don't link to anything. In the main file for each module, though, they should link to the relevant text section.

"Interactive" only refers to the fact that you can toggle grid, room numbers, and secret doors on/off.

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