Kineticist / Monk Kinetic Blade Flurry Question (Ascetic Style / Form)

Rules Questions

We are attempting to make a gestalt build using the Unchained Monk/Kineticist classes.

Initially, when reviewing Kinetic blade, I saw the line:
"The kinetic blade's shape is purely cosmetic and doesn't affect the damage dice, critical threat range, or critical multiplier of the kinetic blade, nor does it grant the kinetic blade any weapon special features. The object held by a telekineticist for this form infusion doesn't prevent her from using gather power."

"Monk" is specifically listed as a special quality of a weapon, and therefore ineligible.

Would it be possible to use Ascetic Style (Nunchaka) and Ascetic Form (Nunchaka) and form my Kinetic Blade to the shape of a nunchaka to then be allowed to use flurry of blows with it?

Ultimately, the question is

Is the form of my kinetic blade the actual weapon I use.

Is a kinetic blade a dagger if I make it a dagger, is it a nunchuck if I make it a nunchuck, and so on...


It is purely cosmetic. It is always a kinetic blade, regardless of the visuals.

Thank you for the feedback. I'm curious as to why it was listed as a light or one handed weapon with a form instead of just giving it its own unique description? Flavor?


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The choice of light or one-handed is actually non-cosmetic (you can finesse it if it's light, and you can two-hand it for better Power Attack ratio if it's one-handed).

So basically, you create a (generic) light or one-handed weapon formed of pure energy or element, and it looks like whatever you prefer.

Scarab Sages

There are two ways that it would be possible to shoehorn a kinetic blade into being usable with a flurry of blows under the current rules. One of those would require a homebrew deity with favored weapon(Kinetic Blast), and using Crusader's Flurry.
The other wold need extensive multiclassing, needing a minimum of Sohei 6 and Weapon Master Fighter 3 to take Weapon Training with kinetic blast, and then being able to flurry with the blade infusion.

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