New with arcane spellcasters (wizard / Sorcerer)


Sovereign Court

Hello! Im trying to make my first arcane spellcaster (Im between wizard and sorcerer) but im a little lost.
I ever play divine spellcasters, mostly oracles and clerics but this time i want to change a little.
The game will be low level (2 to 5, maybe 6 as much) so im not interested on making someone who can blast everithing at level 20, but someone viable low level, that have some survival and has something to do hen run out of spells, wich is my greatest concern.
what I want is the school or bloodline that gives me some reliable source of utility when i run out of spells, which they would recommend me?
I been reading and till now the bloodlines seems to offer more than the schools. Seaborn and Deep earth first level powers seems have good resources with his first level powers.
Any advice?
The game is 20 point build and core races

Sovereign Court

For Wizard utility:

Diviner arcane school powers are useful for making skill checks/buffing your friends.

I have always had a soft spot for the Create Gears power of the Conjuration [Creation] focused arcane school.

If you wan't to be able to something even if you are out of spells I would recommend a wizard. Pick a specialty school that interests you and gives a good low level power to sustain you, like evocation. If crafting is allowed scribe scrolls. A lot of them. So many that you have an entire toolbox full of paper. they only take a day to craft if they're low level. if crafting isn't allowed arcanist might be best to have a lot of sustain. You also wouldn't need to choose between wizard/sorcerer cause it's a hybrid.

Something more advanced but certainly possible is a wizard with a 1 level dip into a crossblooded orc/draconic sorcerer. You would maximize your mileage on your damaging spells, as well as have more lower level spells. Keep in mind that it would only be a single level of sorcerer.

I'm sure other users can direct you to where you can find these combinations if you don't know how or I might later but I do not have the time right now.

Sovereign Court

Hmm carry a lot of scrolls solves the problem thats true... and a level 1 spell with the right build may be pretty good
One more question, could i use the create gears to make 1 gp to lower the cost every time i build something? even cheaper scrolls are great haha

For the first few levels no matter which class you choose you will not have enough spell. Somewhere around level you most likely won't run out of spells, but that is just my experience with several groups as a GM and player.

The spells are your utility. The bloodlines and schools give you specialty based things to use, but you will most likely still be twiddling your thumbs if you are out of spells.

One thing I tell people is to be conservative with spells in the early levels so you have them when you need them.

As for scrolls the lowest DC possible. They also have the lowest possible caster level unless you pay more for the scroll. So the best ones to get are ones that don't force saves.

I don't understand your create gears question.

Sovereign Court

Targutai Minyatur wrote:

Hmm carry a lot of scrolls solves the problem thats true... and a level 1 spell with the right build may be pretty good

One more question, could i use the create gears to make 1 gp to lower the cost every time i build something? even cheaper scrolls are great haha

GM discretion. You could create a simple gold piece with the ability (though you might need a Craft (coinage) check to mimic the coinage of the realm) but it fades away after a minute...

So whether or not real-then-unreal money is good enough to pay for scribing scrolls, considering that represents you paying for rare reagents and inks, is up to your GM.

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