MCKhaos |

I am currently running a campaign using the Adventures on Dungeon Planet system, a space opera hack of Dungeon World that uses the same general 2d6 mechanics as Dungeon World.
We are looking for 2-3 additional players to join the crew of the Lucky Sixes alongside Jamee, the elf child who operates a remote combat bot, Sona, an android technician, and Toober, a combat mech specialized in boarding actions.
The crew of the Lucky Sixes, a modified merchant ship flying under the command of Captain Ron Bucanero (NPC) was attacked by mercenaries from the Lodestar Combinant while transporting deadly fauna and flora from a death world. The crew managed to fend off the mercenaries and obtain numerous supplies.
The crew landed in Shan City on the planet Bastila, where it immediately drew the ire of Grellick, a goblin crime lord with a score to settle with Bastian Kray (former player). The crew narrowly avoided death at the hands of Grellick's enforcers, and managed to make their meeting with a representative of T.E.R.R.A., a ruthless corporation tied to asteroid mining. The crew agreed to travel to a system on the outskirts of known space to investigate the fate of T.E.R.R.A.'s mining operations that had gone dark.
The crew discovered that the T.E.R.R.A. base had been bombarded from orbit, but managed to rescue numerous survivors from the highly aggressive local fauna. After the survivors finished boarding, the Sixes was surrounded by three patrol craft in service to Grellick. Half of the party boarded Grellick's command ship and forced him to retreat into an escape pod, which was captured through the deft actions of the remaining crew. The crew now holds Grellick at their mercy and must decide what to do next.
If you think you might be interested, feel free to view the Gameplay Thread and leave a comment with possible character thoughts in the Recruitment Thread.
Dungeon World is a story-driven ruleset for sword and sorcery RPGs. Dungeon Planet adds additional classes and spaceships, etc. to the mix. The system is based around 2d6 dice.
When you want to take an action, you roll 2d6 + the modifier of your relevant stat. If you roll a 6 or below, you gain an XP point (XP is tracked individually, 7+your level to level up) and fail the roll. If you get a 7-9 result, you succeed at what you're trying to do, but there's an unforeseen complication. Maybe your armor gets damaged, you get injured while trading blows in combat, or you get thrown into a disadvantageous position by a space ogre. If you roll a 10 or above, you succeed! It's basically that simple.
The game works in a very free-flow manner. If you want to attempt something, attempt it; I as the DM will tell you if it needs a roll to determine success.
Most of the rules for specific situations are on an easy-to-navigate SRD Wiki found here.
This campaign is set in a generic fantasy world fast forwarded to the age of intragalactic space travel. Through a fusion of ancient magic and modern technology the gods and denizens of the planet Misneach are finally able to explore beyond the heavens ... only to discover that they are far from alone in the universe.
The Dungeon Planet hack has four core classes. These classes can be viewed here:
The Earthling
The Engine of Destruction (Taken)
The Mutant
The Technician (Taken)
The Dungeon Planet hack and this campaign is also fully compatible with the official 11 Dungeon World classes. These classes can be viewed here:
Arcane Duelist
Ranger (Taken)
Meanwhile, there is a big list of alternative, third-party classes that fit Dungeon World/Dungeon Planet rules. I'll allow use of any of them, if you can make the PDF of the class you purchased available to me for reference.
Finally, you can use the Class Warfare supplement to create your own class.
What races/alignments are available?
Races: With the exodus into the galactic community, species prejudice has largely fallen to the wayside. Individuals are largely judged on what they do, rather than on what they were born as. As a result, almost any traditional fantasy or sci fi race/monster is available to players. We can create custom racial moves that make sense if you don't choose the default options.
Alignments: Any, but I'm not allowing PvP.

Sona Θ3 |

This 0ne is Sona, Theta model three, ship technician and portable armory.let it be known that new recruits are expected to follow local laws to the letter. Of course, this 0ne is always available to give a suitable interpretation of those laws, should you have any delicate questions.
McChaos knows how to keep the fires on so you have a chance to really feel the concequences of your choices.

YoricksRequiem |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Oooooooh I'm very interested. There's a Drider class out there by gnome7 (Link!) that I'd love to play.
I want to not be too similar to The Stalk from Saga so I'll take a bit of time to think up a backstory, if the class meets with approval (both mechanically as well as something that you could see working in the world / with the other players)

MCKhaos |

Drider absolutely works. Think about what role you'd want to take on the ship too. We have a pilot, engineer, and boarding drone. The ship roles are listed on the campaign page.
Actually, there is a LOT of information on the campaign page as this is pretty much a mash up of uncharted worlds, dungeon planet, and dungeon world. Before the game started the players rolled the various factions that are at play. Each player should choose a faction to have a great standing with and either (2 factions to have bad standing or one to have terrible). The group has previously fought Lodestar and is on assignment from T.E.R.R.A. Two players are androids made by Theta Securities.

MCKhaos |

Would you allow a vampire with a heart of gold? =)
Sure. Also you might notice that the Goblin crime lord that the party is currently confronting has a black goblin underling named Retzack. May or may not be a necromancer! We probably won't find out because I think the party is about to kill them.

YoricksRequiem |

Drider absolutely works. Think about what role you'd want to take on the ship too. We have a pilot, engineer, and boarding drone. The ship roles are listed on the campaign page.
Oh great! I'll start poking around through that stuff. It seems like a lot of the ship roles are kind of nebulous as far as just running around doing things as needed. I'll see if something unique speaks to me. And I'll definitely read up on factions.
I'm thinking the new players could 1) have always been part of the Sixes' crew or 2) are part of Grellick's crew and may soon be seeking new employment.
I'd probably lean towards the latter (or some variant thereof). Having always been a part of the crew assumes a degree of intimacy with each of the existing players that I won't have and I fear it'll feel jarring.

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The new players could also be among the survivors that the party just rescued.
This is what I'm leaning towards!
Seems like a perfect fit for The Survivor, from Inverse World–this would actually be the second time I've been bombarded from orbit. I'll PM you the pdf and plop down a character pitch over in the recruitment thread.