
Miss Frost's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (36 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Liberty's Edge

Hello, everyone. I am not really happy to do this, especially mid-scene, but I think I'm going to have to bow out of the game, for the following reasons:

I made Picket as a man of peace. Would not mind violence breaking out despite his preferences to the contrary--in fact, I expect it, and like it as a good source of drama--but we've got Tuber and Retzack who are kind of remorselessly evil and have killing people as a big part of their shtick. I've got no problem with that character style, but with a character like Picket on board it's too much unresolvable tension, and not the fun kind. I've turned it over a bunch of times, and I just can't see anything good coming out of it in the long run. Rule number one is even if we're not friends we need to be able to work together, and I can't make that happen, so I've gotta go.

Since it's full disclosure time, that interaction with the woman in the diner also felt a lot like I got railroaded into stealing a precious memento from a fellow war survivor, and that left a really sour taste in my mouth. I know there were a couple of hard moves on the table, but that's like tricking a paladin into violating their oaths; I felt like my agency was undermined, and that's not really cool in my book. Especially since that was the first complication that Picket was really faced with. It was just a one-time thing, the rest of your GM'ing has been awesome, and the long-term issues above are why I'm leaving, but I wanted to clear the air. Roses and thorns, and all that.

I've got no bitter feelings about any of this, and I hope that goes both ways. Just wanted to hand in the towel on honest terms, and if we could come together on more level ground I'd enjoy playing with any of you again in the future. Until then: I hope you all have a lot of fun with the rest of the game.

Liberty's Edge

So, I'm reading through the faction information, and I'm inclined to ask: how destroyed was planet Reno? Are we talking glassed-surface or new-asteroid-field level? Because I'm thinking Reno could've been Picket's home world, for conservation of catastrophe reasons and to tie in with the established fiction a bit. And surviving something like that would probably attract the Association of Silence's interest, I'd think; he's gotta have some serious magical mojo to still be breathing.

Barely clinging to life on a chunk of planetary debris until war scavengers or someone picked him up might be stretching credibility a smidge, though.

Liberty's Edge

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So: character idea!

I'm Picket-Fence Mazen (Just call me Picket), a kobold Survivor who was planetside when the T.E.R.R.A. base was bombarded and was among those the crew rescued. Funny thing is, I got into mining in the first place because my home was leveled by an orbital bombardment; still no reprisal for whoever pulled the trigger. That's justice for you, am I right?

T.E.R.R.A. hires pretty much anyone if they'll work for cheap, and I figured being underground, halfway across the sector, would keep me safe from those angry skies. Wouldn't have been worth the cost, even if I was right; work in the mines is brutal, in every sense of the word.

Way I figure it, though, if the universe drops the sky on you twice, maybe hiding just doesn't work. And if you walk away twice, maybe you should be leaning on that luck for more than hiding anyway. Like sailing the stars with that crew of freelancers that just landed, for instance; they look like they could use a bit of luck on their side.


Will put together an alias if the pitch is copacetic. I'm thinking kobold naming conventions are that you pick your own first name based on what you most desire; Picket really just wants to find a nice and peaceful place to retire someday, killer universe permitting.

I'm thinking the God cataclysm for my race/background move. It doesn't fit the backstory, but the one that does is a gives-you-leverage move, and I don't really like the way those break the fiction-first approach. 'Sides, two orbital bombardments sounds like the universe hates Picket's guts anyway...

Ship roles, I'm thinking sensors and/or point defense. He's a keep-your-eyes-open type, so those make sense.

Liberty's Edge

MCKhaos wrote:
The new players could also be among the survivors that the party just rescued.

This is what I'm leaning towards!

Seems like a perfect fit for The Survivor, from Inverse World–this would actually be the second time I've been bombarded from orbit. I'll PM you the pdf and plop down a character pitch over in the recruitment thread.