crowbar and acquiring weapon

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

hello a simple question ca you use a crowbar to add a die for strenght check when trying to acquire a boon and in particular a weapon?

Yes you can use a crowbar to acquire another crowbar or a Melee weapon and maybe something else that let's you make melee check.
I know it might sound odd but mechanically it is correct so you just have to imagine that you crack a chest open that contains the sword or the axe is stuck in a giant skeleton and you pry it out.

I'll just mention this because your wording could be misinterpreted:

You can't use a weapon for a Melee check unless the Weapon has a really unusual power. By default, Weapons are only used for Combat checks and most (all?) weapons do not have a Combat check to acquire.

i meant can you play a crowbar card and so add 1 die to a strenght test for acquiring a weapon boon.

As long as that weapon is requiring a non-combat strength check for you to acquire it. So, it would help you acquire a Longsword. It would not help you acquire a Shortbow.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

The Crowbar helps with noncombat Strength checks, so if you're able to use Strength to acquire the weapon, you're able to use the Crowbar to boost that.

Grand Lodge

But, for example, the Blessing of Shax my Monk encountered Tuesday night requires a Combat (or Divine) check to acquire, so, no crowbarring allowed.

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