Cat-Like Fey?

Rules Questions

Dark Archive

I am planning to introduce a Cheshire Cat inspired character in my home game and was wondering if there is already a suitable creature to be found in one of the obscure bestiaries. I was disappointed to see that the cat sith is just a magical beast, not a fey, though amused by the Puss in Boots reference. If not, I'll make my own, or just reskin an existing fairy, but wanted to check first so as not to unnecessarily reinvent the wheel...

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Check out the silvanshee agathion. It's an outsider rather than fey, but has a lot of the Cheshire cat-style abilities.

Not every single thing that comes out of the First World/Faerie is a Fey: the dweomercat is a magical beast as well, for example. In fact, a dweomercat cub is pretty cheshire cat-like.
You could still use the cat sith, really.
The silvanshee is the perfect benevolent cheshire cat, of course.

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