My Downloads Issues — Unable to Download

Website Feedback

I purchased Everyman Unchained: Monk Archetypes just reciently. But when trying to doanload it, it tells me that it is 'personalizing please wait 10 seconds then click link.' Doing so refreshes the page, but does not start a download.

I'm also having the same issue. Will i need to wait until business tomorrow for a fix?

Yeah, same here. After five or six tries the site itself times out and logs me out, and the process starts over again.

Same problem here.

It worked for one download then broke and I can't download the rest of two recent orders (9 more files) that just became available when the hardcopies shipped Monday 2/22/2016.

Since it happened in the minute or so between my first and second files maybe I am the one who broke it <blush>?

I emailed customer service but I don't seem to find any webmaster contact or anything like that for the more "IT/IS" sort of issues.

Windows 7 64-bit
Mozilla Firefox ver 44.0.2
cookies & scripts enabled, popup blockers disabled, and haven't changed anything on this end between working and borken downloads

I've downloaded many tens of pdf's over the last couple years without any trouble.

I have not tried to download one that is not watermarked, I wonder if that would work? EDIT - Tried this on a previously purchased and downloaded item... one that was not previously personalized or watermarked (I recall it going straight to save file when I downloaded it the first time a few days ago)... it now tries to personalize and does the same thing as the rest that I can not download.

I'm having the same problem as well. The process starts for personalizing the download, but after waiting 10 or more seconds, the download never starts.

I;ve tried this on Firefox and Chrome with the same result.

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I am unable to download any files from "My Downloads" (either my recent purchase or older). I, too, get stuck in a loop where I click on a title, it goes into "personalizng", and when I click again it goes right back to "personalizing".

I've tried 3 different browsers, 2 different computers, and even 2 ISP's, so I'm pretty confident that the issue is on Paizo's side.

This was happening last night around 11:55pm (Eastern) and continues to do the same this morning around 9:15am (Eastern).

I logged in today to download scenario #23 Tide of Morning in order to print chronicle sheets. When I click to download, it gives me the personalization message. After waiting the 10 sec (or even more), I click again and get the same message. I have tried in both Chrome and IE. I've had no issues downloading other items from my email.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber


I am experiencing the same issue on Windows 10 machine (Edge, Chrome, FireFox)as of 9:50 CST. Also Chrome for Android and FireFox and Safari on iOS. Note: On Android the site briefly flashes the download confirmation screen (the one with the bold red font telling you what to do if the download doesn't begin in 5 seconds.)

GMing PFS on Thursday and Sunday, which will be hard if I can't download the scenarios ...

I also have this issue.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

So this morning I tried to download a PDF from my home computer for archiving, and my other computer attached to the printer for printing, at the same time. The website made a herking noise, and neither machine received the PDF. Now every time I try it, it just sits there personalizing the file. I'm sure I've hit a race condition, or a fraud detecting mechanism, or something of its ilk, can I ask someone to please kick the server in the appropriate way to free my file (sorry visualizing one of those candy machines with the chips stuck almost falling out.)

The PDF in question was #7-05 – School for Spirits.


It's a system wide issue, I also can't download anything.

I'm sure they're working on it. :-)

Chad Rechkemmer wrote:
I logged in today to download scenario #23 Tide of Morning in order to print chronicle sheets. When I click to download, it gives me the personalization message. After waiting the 10 sec (or even more), I click again and get the same message. I have tried in both Chrome and IE. I've had no issues downloading other items from my email.

The same is happening to me when attempting to download another PDF. I think something must be broken on their end.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

You mean I broke everyone's downloads :P

Evidently, um thanks, I guess... :-P

Michael Owen Hill wrote:


I am experiencing the same issue on Windows 10 machine (Edge, Chrome, FireFox)as of 9:50 CST. Also Chrome for Android and FireFox and Safari on iOS. Note: On Android the site briefly flashes the download confirmation screen (the one with the bold red font telling you what to do if the download doesn't begin in 5 seconds.)

GMing PFS on Thursday and Sunday, which will be hard if I can't download the scenarios ...

Yea. I am running my own persistant world, and the Unchained classes have reared their lovely heads. So I kind of need this pdf to get the endless questions off my back.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

+1. I'm trying to download Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition and it's just not goin'. And now that I check, nothing's goin'. I've tried a bunch of things, including my phone, and no dice!

Community & Digital Content Director

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Merged threads and changed thread title.

Hey folks! We're in the office now and our tech team's eagle eyes will be in soon to take a look at the problem (which appears to be a service issue with our Personalizer). I don't recommend continuing to repeat the download process over and over. We'll post an update as soon as we can!

Community & Digital Content Director

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And we should back online! Thank you for your patience! :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

It's working for me now. Thanks :D

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