Jaçinto |
Alright, so I was going to play in a Reign of Winter game, but that's been cancelled. Gm needs a break from running games and another player wants to run, so we will be playing Mummy's Mask. I decided to make a Mesmerist even though I know it is not suited for this adventure path at all. I decided to play what I want, as long as I don't hinder the group. If the GM says no to this character, that's fine and I will do something else but until then, here he is.
I really hope that link works. Anyways, that is my Mesmerist. I know it is a MAD build, but hey, play what feels good, right?
I think my spell loadout is decent, but I may be wrong. I didn't dump wisdom to 8 because I didn't want a -1 to will saves, even though I gain the bonus from charisma. I suppose my skills and stats could be tweaked a bit, even though I don't really see a problem. The stats are 25 point buy.
Yes, I am playing an Angelkin Aasimar, and you may notice that I didn't take the heritage feat to get it. Our group has thrown out the fiendish and celestial heritage feats for Tiefling and Aasimar as we find a feat to play a race as stupid. They don't add anything to the races, rather than just alter them as if you were taking alternate racial traits.
All input is welcome, but I am set on playing a Mesmerist and not an archetype like the vexing daredevil. I chose the Aasimar for thematic reasons and, while I feel a bit meh about it, the Angelkin for stats though thematically speaking, I should have picked the Div based one for what I had in mind.

Vaellen |

While you have a really high point buy and you can probably make this work, this would definitely be an under-performing PC in my group. You don't have good enough "To Hit" bonuses ensure that Power Attack hits. Power attack is not really useful for non full BAB classes unless they have access to lots of bonuses to hit. I wouldn't take it before level 7.
Melee Mesmerists are decent at low levels but after about level 6 to 7 you will fall behind. Your debuffs won't stick, you can't hit consistently and you do terrible melee damage anyway.
IMO caster Mesmerists are the way to go. You are an amazing party face and your debuffs are something to be feared. With another save or suck caster in your party, that 1-2 punch will end encounters quickly.

BackHandOfFate |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I love the Mesmerist class. It can excel in melee combat and debuff people into oblivion. Having said that, I strongly recommend focusing on dexterity based combat. Yes, it is more feat intensive. But a caster class needs dexterity far more than it needs strength. Keep Dexterity and Charisma high and your saves will be grand. You will need higher AC if you are going into melee combat regularly. And dexterity meshes much better with the Mesmerist's skillset.
As for first level feats: Intimidating Glance is a great first step towards your debuffing spree. Swift action intimidation towards your Hypnotic Stare target. And it'll help the entire party. Power Attack won't benefit you much.
Regardless of if you take my advice, I do hope you have fun with this character. I really had fun with my Mesmerist.

Jaçinto |
I actually don't know how to build for dex based melee combat, BackHandOfFate. I don't know how to put out a competent damage amount with dex based melee fighting and end up annoying my other players. Also I intend, again for thematic, to go for the sword cane. This is one of the reasons I posted here. Also for spells, I really am not sure what to pick, because I don't want to get stuck with a spell that gets bad late game and end up wasting a slot with spells that no longer work. Otherwise yes, I love the idea of mind controlling and manipulation.
I have been wanting to play a Mesmerist for months. I was going to wait until we played Hell's Rebels, but that wont be for several months now, so I will play it in Mummy's mask.
Edit: I also don't see intimidating glance anywhere.
Edit 2: Derp, not div based. My mind went all stupid brain for a moment there. I think I was thinking the peri or Garuda aasimar.

Jaçinto |
I believe our party will, so far, have a vitalist, a ranger that will probably go with bows and intends to take the trait to disable magical traps, and the other two or three players have not decided yet. I absolutely plan to take the ability to use my powers on undead as soon as possible, by the way. I love being able to control people or at least make things harder for them.

lemeres |

While you have a really high point buy and you can probably make this work, this would definitely be an under-performing PC in my group. You don't have good enough "To Hit" bonuses ensure that Power Attack hits. Power attack is not really useful for non full BAB classes unless they have access to lots of bonuses to hit. I wouldn't take it before level 7.
Melee Mesmerists are decent at low levels but after about level 6 to 7 you will fall behind. Your debuffs won't stick, you can't hit consistently and you do terrible melee damage anyway.
IMO caster Mesmerists are the way to go. You are an amazing party face and your debuffs are something to be feared. With another save or suck caster in your party, that 1-2 punch will end encounters quickly.
The approach I took was furious focus- that way, power attack costs nothing on the one attack you care about.
Admittedly...I might advise a spring attack. Well optimized painful stare (typically with that intense pain feat+half orc favored class bonus) has enough that it might somewhat cover the lackluster iteratives. So going for such a mobile style may be a niche- you are a class that can deal a chunk of damage, even though you are staying back and keeping your distance- moving about.
I am not going to say that it is going to be 'great'. But it can cause enough damage that it is a noticeable chunk of particular creature's life. I would focus more on spell casting as time goes on, and then use the melee as an option. Kind of like how a melee character may have a ranged weapon as an 'option'.
It is a large enough chunk, and you are mobile enough with it that you can use it at a moment's notice... you can probably finish off a weakened boss before he gets another turn. It is good enough that it can fill that niche- finishing off enemies that the rest of the party would have to spend full attacks on since it would take 2 more hits.
I will also say this- it could potentially make a good reach caster. Y'know- like the reach cleric. Someone that spends their turn casting, and then uses AoOs for their melee damage. Since painful stare can be activated on any turn, it could get some decent damage in that way with little action investment. Admittedly, it only works on the thing you targeted with your swift action earlier- so not entirely ideal. Still, I could see it having its moments.

BackHandOfFate |

I believe our party will, so far, have a vitalist, a ranger that will probably go with bows and intends to take the trait to disable magical traps, and the other two or three players have not decided yet. I absolutely plan to take the ability to use my powers on undead as soon as possible, by the way. I love being able to control people or at least make things harder for them.
I see...
Have you given the archetype: Vexing Daredevil a look? They are probably the most viable melee Mesmerist you can make. Martial Weapon Proficiency... Improved/Greater Feint combo.. It's pretty neat.
EDIT: Ahh I noticed you were planning on taking Psychic Inception asap. That gets replaced with this archetype. Cancel this suggestion..

BackHandOfFate |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

In that case, you don't really have to rely on strength to do damage at all. You can leave it at 12 and boost dex and charisma as much as you can. Painful stare will keep your damage at reasonable levels.
Level 1 Feat: Intimidating Glance
Swift action intimidate will do wonders for debuffing everything about a more dangerous opponent. Every single one of your allies, be they spellcasters or melee bruisers will benefit from this.
Level 3 Feat: Weapon Finesse.
This helps your accuracy greatly. And it helps synergize offense and defense more importantly. At this point you don't need to worry about more damage because you're dealing an extra 1d6+1 precision damage with your painful stare. That means even your sword cane will be dealing around 2d6+2 damage at this point. Pretty damned decent.
Level 5 Feat: Battle Cry
A swift action to give everyone within 30ft a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and a +4 morale bonus on will saves vs Fear. That's not even the best part. Any time during this minute, anyone under this effect can re-roll a failed save (ANY SAVE). This is priceless. Your charisma will be high enough that you'll easily be able to use it 3-4 times per day. It's great support that helps keep your team in one piece. It requires 5 ranks in perform or some nonsense.. Easily worth the price.
As for spells:
I would recommend Grease, Ill Omen, Ray of Enfeeblement or Silent Image.
All of them are extremely helpful in situations. Ray of Enfeeblement can really ruin a bosses day, even if they succeed at the save. And higher dex means you hit more often. Ill Omen for when you wanna SUPER debuff someone's will save and open them up to another spell from a friendly spellcaster. Grease cause grease is fun and hilarious. Silent Image because there are so many fun and creative uses for it.
I hope you find this advice useful.
EDIT: I JUST noticed the saves on your sheet are wrong. Your Base Reflex save bonus should be 2, not Zero.

PossibleCabbage |

Wasn't Battle Cry clarified in the ACG errata to only allow rerolls to saving throws against fear effects?
Page 142—In the Battle Cry feat's Benefit section, in the final paragraph's first sentence, add “against a fear effect” after “fails a saving throw”
Always check the errata before using anything from the ACG, since that book's a minefield.

BackHandOfFate |

Looking awesome!
As for Craft Wondrous Items... I'd say wait til at least 5th level. Most of the really useful stuff has a minimum CL of 5 anyways. After that, go nuts! Mask of the Mesmerist is something I'm planning on crafting for my mesmerist as well. At that point I'll be pushing around a -9 or 10 penalty to attack rolls against my character with a fully debuffed enemy.
MORE IMPORTANTLY: A feat is a very limited character resource.. And early on, you're very starved for feats. Demand a little bit of compensation for your time spent crafting as a character. Have your friends characters pitch in for scrolls, potions, wands and whatnot with the OODLES of money they save having you half price their most expensive magic items.

Jaçinto |
Do you need the craft skill for wondrous at all? Also have a look at my skills, just in case. I think they are okay but I had to ditch linguistics and, I figure, that may be important for a mesmerist since so many things are language dependent. Vanish and Obscuring mist, eh I can see problems with them.
You know, something I liked about 5e is that weapons were typed to allow dex for attack and damage, but I know in pathfinder that is an unchained rogue only thing or that dervish scimitar feat.
This guy is gonna play off as a force of personality that is a bit full of himself and thinks he should be the pharhao of osiria, or at least be recognized in the court. I took the blood of pharhao's trait and made him an Aasimar because, in egyptian mythology, pharhaos were the children of gods and thus gods on earth. Closest thing to that is an Aasimar, plus I thought it would be funny.

BackHandOfFate |

I think you need Spellcraft to craft wondrous items. And you have it.
Looking at your other skills, I think you're good...
I'd spare a few points later on for stealth and sleight of hand as they will play very well with your higher dex mod. Knowledge(arcana) could use a rank later as well. But honestly I think you've used your skill points very wisely for 1st level.
As for spells, Already suggested some earlier that I see as clear winners.

Jaçinto |
BackHandOfFate, I am thinking Grease and Charm person at level 1 due to duration. An issue though, and I know this has been argued is spellcraft vs psychic magic. It uses the penalties from perception but perception does not list penalties for "You hear nothing and see nothing" on a spell with no visible effect. I know identifying it AFTER the fact, if there is something noticeable, is knowledge arcana.
Edit: here is what I would do and this is just me. Personal house rule if I run and I apply it to silent and still spell as well. The only vision based and hearing based penalties I find are in the conditions blind and deaf. I would use the -4 from blind on opposed perception, rather than the auto fail, and the -4 from deaf. lack of verbal and somatic components causing a -8. Still possible to pass, but very hard. Knowledge arcana would still work as it is supposed to do so. If there is a material component and you don't have eschew materials, I would drop the -4 from visual to -2 for a -6. Or possibly just the +5 DC from the perception table for "terrible conditions" though the description from them is just okay. We are talking about something that makes no sound whatsoever and has no visual cues, aside from taking something out of a pouch and you having to guess what that is for.

BackHandOfFate |

Both those spells seem serviceable to me. Well done!
I think spellcraft still works the same way with these spells. It's just different visual components. Emotional components would probably involve you making a certain type of expression on your face or assuming a certain posture. Psychic spellcasting still provokes AoO's like any other sort of spellcasting, so it stands to reason that there are visual cues that tell someone when an opponent is using psychic magic because they have either visibly dropped their guard (allowing for an AoO) Or they are struggling to concentrate on defending themselves while using their ability.
That's the way I have interpreted it.
Hope you have fun with your Mesmerist!