Need some advice for Wordcasting under a certain situation


Hello once again all, I'm currently playing the 3rd party (radiance house) Occultist, aka the binder. Now, I'm interested in obtaining the services of a specific spirit that gives the following ability, which is "normal" paizo material based.

You become a wordcaster. You may select one 0-level effect word spell from the sorcerer/wizard wordspell list and cast it as a 0-level effect word as a spell-like ability at will. In addition, you may select a number of effect words from the sorcerer/wizard wordspell list whose total level(s) is equal to your maximum spirit level and cast them once per day as a spell-like ability. Individual wordspells cast using this ability must have a level that is equal to or less than half of your maximum spirit level. You have access to the following target words when using these spell-like abilities: cone, personal, and selected.

So, I'm looking for some advice / guidance in which words I should choose. Currently lv. 8, with my highest maximum spirit lv. being lv. 4. Any suggestions on the best "words" or cool combinations I could pull off under the above limitations?

Ok. So. Looking through the guide, I'm thinking of just grabbing Wrack + Paralyze Humanoid. Or Undeath and something else.

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