Android Race and Levels

Rules Questions

Not sure if this has been asked, I did a quick search that turned up little. I have a player who wants to play an Android, that has 16RP as a race, I thought I remembered that above 10 had an adjustment of some type? I don't want him to be unbalanced with the party, so is there an unbalance? Level or CR adjustment?

APL adjustment doesn't kick in until you hit 20RP. The extra strength (if any) of an android is largely inconsequential after level 1-2 in any event.

Great! Thanks!!

Nope, Paizo did away with that aspect, I personally have two Androids, no problem at all (our Elven rogue has a Jack Sparrow like knack for critical hits:-D)

2 androids would not unbalance the points enough for that to matter, its the party avarage that is important. in a group of humans, you can easilly get a race with more then 30rp going.

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