Revolving Door Alternate |

Ok, next PC in the lineup. I remember seeing someone else do this and it was pretty dang effective in most scenarios. He crept up and scouted the area before we got there. Then marched up looking like the captain of the patrol that just left. Kept them distracted so we could get close and take them out silently. But I don't remember anything about his build, so I'm looking for ideas.
Primarily a caster, though I'm not opposed to a dip into another class.
Caster that can perform as scout with stealth, perception, and disable device.
Caster that can fool others with bluff, disguise, and/or illusion.
Can't be completely inept when a fight breaks out.
Sounds like a lot of skill points, so an intelligence caster seems likely. Wayang, seeker, Rakshasa bloodline, inquisitor, illusionist, investigator, invisibility, disguise self, disguise other, silence, forced quiet, and glibness all come to mind.
What are your thoughts? Have you seen/tried one that worked well?

Mysterious Stranger |

Archeologist Bard is probably the best for this. Use a trait to get disable device as a class skill and you are set. The bard spell list includes a lot of illusions and buff spells. Between heroism and archeologist luck you are decent in combat. If you go the dervish dance route for DEX to damage you are actually pretty good at hitting and do decent damage.

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Some GMs will stubbornly resist you, but it should be doable to pump Bluff to high levels and many NPCs aren't equipped for that. So there's a chance to completely take a scenario off the rails.
Just be sure the group you are with is OK with a scenario jumping the rails. There are quite a few PFS players who think a GM is "doing it wrong" if they make up things that aren't in the scenario. However when you bluff your way past an encounter the author expected you to fight, a GM will almost have to make up something related to what you do explain future events in many scenarios.
Having said that, these are the classic bard or rogue fortes. The bard can do it quicker (with magic) but the rogue can do it better (with talents that don't have a saving throw).

lemeres |

How about a mesmerist with cunning caster?
It lets you hide that spell casting ever happened at all via a bluff check.
I suggest mesmerist, for several reasons. First- bluff check ona class with huge bluff bonus.
Second- they are psychic casters. Due to penalties for somatic and verbal components, the feat assumes most will either have a limited spell selection, or use stilled/silenced (which means a higher slot is used). But psychic casters replace somatic/verbal for thought/emotion. They are their own can of worms, but it is perfect for options designed around normal casting.
So overall- similar to bard, but even at level 1 (with a human at least) you can hide the fact that you ever cast anything at all. Also, they aren't entirely terrible in melee- their painful stares add some damage into the mix. Useful for a 2 hander build that uses furious focus (since you only care about getting the 1 attack in, so why not allow it to get pwoer attack in for no penalty?)

Mighty Glacier |

How about a mesmerist with cunning caster?
It lets you hide that spell casting ever happened at all via a bluff check.
I suggest mesmerist, for several reasons. First- bluff check ona class with huge bluff bonus.
Second- they are psychic casters. Due to penalties for somatic and verbal components, the feat assumes most will either have a limited spell selection, or use stilled/silenced (which means a higher slot is used). But psychic casters replace somatic/verbal for thought/emotion. They are their own can of worms, but it is perfect for options designed around normal casting.
So overall- similar to bard, but even at level 1 (with a human at least) you can hide the fact that you ever cast anything at all. Also, they aren't entirely terrible in melee- their painful stares add some damage into the mix. Useful for a 2 hander build that uses furious focus (since you only care about getting the 1 attack in, so why not allow it to get pwoer attack in for no penalty?)
A shame that Cunning Caster isn't PFS-legal, and OP specified PFS.

Cevah |

Disable Device, Stealth = Dexterity based
Bluff, Disguise = Charisma based
Perception = Wisdom based
For a caster, I would go as an oracle or a sorcerer. Sneaky and devices could be covered with spells.
However, I would consider ninja. They have the rogue skill-set, and can well use extra charisma for ki fun. Even with a dip, at 8+IntMod skills helps fill up a skill.
Be sure to get a circlet of persuasion for the bonus to the social skills.