Why is Pelt of the Ulfen Wolf a deck 6 card?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

It's like a magic chainmail and a dagger merged into one thing. I would think that would be AP2 tops.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Magic Chainmail is heavy instead of light and also recharges instead of reveals, daggers discard instead of recharge. For comparison, the light Elven Chain Shirt (AD1) only blocks 1 damage on reveal, so both the difference between light and heavy and recharge and reveal is noteworthy. Combining two cards into one is also fairly powerful.

Now it's certainly possible that armors should scale faster than they do and that's a different discussion, but compare to the AD5 heavy Demon Armor; very slightly different #s and effects, but the Pelt reveals instead of recharges and recharges instead of discards there too.


Also note that CD cards may not be representative of their AD in an Adventure Path; Fortune Teller was AD6 in the Bard deck but was AD1 in Wrath.

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Why is there such a wild variation in AD #'s for cards? A lot of the the dual stat blessings were lower numbers in the CD than in APs.

Also Demon Armor is awful.

Daggers recharge if you are a fighter which is the only class that uses daggers and rarely at best.

The best armors are the armors of restoration and armors that prevent any kind of damage. Combat damage is awfully rare in my experience. Damage usually come from traps and BYA effects and it is rarely combat damage especially in later AD.

Combining two fairly weak B deck cards into one slightly better card isn't what I would call fairly powerful.

The best power on every armor remains, banish this card to reduce damage to 0.

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