Private question?

Customer Service

Is there an option for me to contact an admin via private message on a sensitive matter? Or if an admin reads this and contacts me via pm, that would be super. It is rather urgent.

Some of the staff have PMs enabled, I believe; check their profile pages.

Otherwise, they all have an email you can use on the Contact Us page.

Now's probably not a great time if you need a timely reply, as they won't be back in the office and officially "on the job" until Monday.

Thank you for your help, Joana.

If any if the staff do see this message over the weekend, please contact me as soon as possible.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Manager

Please email Cc me at

Yes! Thank you! Email forthcoming!

Community Manager

Taken care of!

Paizo Employee Developer

Rock on!

You're my hero, Liz. ^_^

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