Lance Weapon and Donahan Mount - how many d8s?

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Hi guys,

Trying to understand how this card card combo works...

Lance weapon: on this check, you may reveal a card has the mount trait to ignore the 2-handed trait on this card; if you do and this is your first combat check of the turn, add another d8 to your check.

Donahan cohort: put this card on top of your deck to add 1d8 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to your combat check that has the Meier trait.

So my question is can I combine these cards and get both d8 effects? I think I can. So I first put the card on the top of my deck which reveals it, right?

So then my combat roll would be;

The usual Melee skill d10+1d8, +1d8 from the Lance AND 1d8+1 from the cohort.

Thanks in advance for the wisdom +3,


Yup. Though putting a card on top of your deck doesn't count as revealing it. But just reveal it before you put it on top of your deck. So...

Reveal (or discard Lance).
Reveal Donahan.
Put Donahan on top of your deck.

And you've got a lot of dice.


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