Moskau |
I'm currently working on a warpriest of Lamashtu, which means I would channel negative energy. My concern is the wording of the Channel Blessing feat. Emphasis mine:
Channeled Blessing wrote:
When you channel energy to heal, you can instead deliver a warpriest's blessing to a single willing creature (including yourself ) in the area that otherwise would have been healed by your channeled energy. The blessing must be one that requires a standard action and affects one or more creatures. If the blessing would normally affect multiple targets, you affect only a single target. The target receives the blessing in place of the healing and any other effects of the channeled energy. (This application doesn't count toward your uses of blessings per day.)
Does this mean I could only use it to give blessing to undead, since they are the only things that can be healed by my channels? I know it is a trivial thing to house rule, but I'd rather know for sure.