Clarification for Carrion Crown AP for sanctioned play

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge 1/5

Hi all.

In the next two weeks I will be starting the Carrion Crown campaign for a group of players. I intend on using the core PFS rules for my players by allowing them pregen or core characters. This allows me to get back into GMing and into Pathfinder as the 2 or so year break I have had has seen an explosion of options.

I would like to keep this thread open as questions come up I would like to ask in relation to it. I am using the option where the characters will be playing the entire AP but not following the PFS rules (XP system used and essentially PFS core rules where applicable).

1. When a player successfully completes the PFS sanction segment of the AP, will they get the credit as a core character or a non core character? I am unclear as the pdf as if he completes as a pregenerated player.

2. As a GM, if I do not have a current PC to apply at the chronicle reward sheet do I still have to nominate a character? Can it be core or non core?


When playing that way the chronicle can be either type (Core or Normal), but the entire group, including the GM, will get the same type of chronicle.

One never has to take a chronicle as a GM, but if you do, you must assign it to a PC, even if this is just a number without an associated character.

Grand Lodge 4/5

As Bradley said, when you run a full AP in home game mode, AKA campaign mode, the characters (and even the game system used) do not have any relevance on what PC the players' credit/chronicle can be assigned to. Everyone in the group has to take a chronicle in the same mode, whether Standard or Core, for that specific chronicle.

Advise: Make one change from Core PFS rules, and that is to include the campaign character traits from the AP's Player Guide, as they are designed to help link the PC into the AP a bit more than the average "I was a caravan guard until yesterday." type of PC. No insult intended to the background for the home game PCs for The Dragon's Demand, by the way.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Cheers guys.

That helps. I was toying around with the rules to allow other traits/options for characters as most of my group has been out of the game for 2+ years like me. The either standard or core gives great flexibility.

Dark Archive 5/5 * Regional Venture-Coordinator, Gulf

It's the chronicle that has to be core, but the game can still use any AP rule you like

Silver Crusade 2/5 *

As was said the campaign traits (specifically for carrion crown) are what guides the players to the first adventure.

Carrion Crown spoilers:
After the first book they are not as driving but for the Haunting of Harrowstone they cement "why" the characters are there. They are there to bury their friend and mentor.

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