@Matt Lewis
So if a level 1 PFS character who completes one quest first can not apply a second one. So I was unsure so the exact example I wish clarification for follows My example.
Hi all. In the next two weeks I will be starting the Carrion Crown campaign for a group of players. I intend on using the core PFS rules for my players by allowing them pregen or core characters. This allows me to get back into GMing and into Pathfinder as the 2 or so year break I have had has seen an explosion of options. I would like to keep this thread open as questions come up I would like to ask in relation to it. I am using the option where the characters will be playing the entire AP but not following the PFS rules (XP system used and essentially PFS core rules where applicable). 1. When a player successfully completes the PFS sanction segment of the AP, will they get the credit as a core character or a non core character? I am unclear as the pdf as if he completes as a pregenerated player. 2. As a GM, if I do not have a current PC to apply at the chronicle reward sheet do I still have to nominate a character? Can it be core or non core?
I got you and thanks. I got to reading stuff this night and I see I need 30 tables - I am one short currently.
Thanks for the welcome and advice sanwah68. Great to hear from you again. I noticed a problem with the points around 3 years ago but never followed up LOL. I get 0 points or 1 points for some tables all up I have run 29 tables. In the next post I will try and share what is in my society page for others to see. Should I post here about errors or in customer service?
Hi all. After a fair amount of time absent from the game, I am planning on returning and running society events in my local city. There is a bit to catch up on as it has been 2.5 years since I have been face to face. That said, I am going through the new materials and new products. I also noticed that the GM rewards have changed. I am wondering about the ranking? I believe I should be a 2 star GM with my record and some of my tables are worth 1 points and others 2 and not sure why the difference. How do I get my ranking check? Also, any advice/guidance on where to start? Links to tools/forums/pages/aids etc etc? Looking for tricks of the trade to make things easy. My return date to GMing to the gaming group is late Jan/early Feb 2016. Thank you in advance.
In honesty, I purchase items and 'save' until I have a number of parcels. Most stuff we buy for home we get online so sharing such details from my purchase would not be of use. I get golf clubs, cloths and etc. I can comment that it is cost effective for me. As is having Paizo ship light packages directly to me with the generous -$10 off shipping. Myus.com for the same package shipped to regional QLD via my myus.com service is:
Essentially 62.09 while paizo 52.35 but that is up to a week verses 3 weeks. They have a calculator over a myus.com Vic. I think my estimates might have been off slightly to which I am happy to recant. My experience as been to combine packages through myus is cheaper.
Steve Geddes wrote: I'd never heard of myus.com, thanks. That might be useful to people worried about price. Any experience with having subscriptions sent via them? Are you saying its quicker than having things sent to you direct? Much quicker Steve. You pay paizo to send your subscription to a US address. They send it via DHL or Fedex. Thing to add is that there is a sign up fee. Now for small packages (1-3 pounds not worth it). 4+ you start to save money particularly if you have multiple packages and stuff from other stores. For those folks worried about money but not time, you SHOULD preorder from the book depository. Further to note, check the cost at both the US store and the UK store. I have found a bulk of the stuff is cheaper preordered from the UK store.
I did the maths and changed my subscriptions, cutting back mot of them. I am happy to share my thoughts as I am a collector and have a fair bit of stuff from Paizo. Buying a case of pathfinder minis and having it shipped here is still cheaper than buying from cheap online retailers in Australia even with the 70-120USD cost for post. I keep my AP subscription to get the flat 15% discount and add bits and pieces that I want. The value of subscribing and getting pdfs are not worth it anymore. I have stopped buying the campaign and companion books and use pdf on a tablet. The comics are cheap and light to send. I am waiting to see how it comes packed from paizo to see if I will continue. Things like gamemastery cards and map subscriptions are not worth it for me as I do not need the pdfs as I am not virtually driven for that. Preordering the maps and cards from book depository sees me receiving the item at my door for less than $10 an item!!! Trade off is I have to preorder and wait as I can not get it straight away. I pick up the occassion PDF at 15% off but I tend to wait until Paizo has sales where my advantage discount stacks. That is the most cost effective way. If I want hardcover books I preorder from book depository and purchase the PDF for the 9.99-15% which comes out cheaper that the amazon option and I get pdf. Only downside is the wait for hardcover. The other upside is that book depository offer 5 or 10% discounts from time to time, more so before amazon bought them. Great for picking up older stuff I missed and makes preorders even cheaper! Postage is high at Paizo. It is cheaper to have items sent from paizo to myus.com address and sent to me. The high cost and the use of USPS is disappointing. It takes weeks to get to me. Myus.com has a similar price postage and it arrives within a week and is sent via DHL or Fedex. My preference is DHL to my suburb as it arrives in perfect condition. I appreciate the service from Paizo which is A++. But there are cheaper options for postage out there and the volume Paizo moves would be high as you look at the market share in the US alone. That said, I understand that Paizo does not have to look at the shipping as the dominance in market share and product range grows. Folks are buying the stuff no matter the cost.
I would support my FLGS but if I did I would not be able to get everything I want because of the ultr high prices over here in Australia. Also lucky we have such a high tax free allowance for goods that can be shipped in to Australia. Paizo has to support their packaging department but Paizo does have high shipping costs, even when they add shipping incentives, Paizo does have high shipping costs on large orders. It works out cheaper, for the most part, to purchase a US postal address and have my items shipped there. Then from there have them shipped via DHL or FedEx to my door.
Awesome write up. I have not had anything to do with the Paizo crew of Brisbane since the first PaizoConOz. Looking forward to getting back there someday. I have played at many, many tables with Stephen as the GM and had SUPER fun. I did not realise that you stepped down Stephen. I hope to get to Melbourne to play PFS. Best chance for me to play as my wife has family down there! Al... Rich and the crew. one of my first play groups I played with outside of my home town. I have played games that Al and crew have run and it is awesome fun. Pommy accent with voices and effects for game. ROCKED. :) I have been meaning to say Al. Your avatar so looks like you on real life. |