Spell levels of Sorcerer bonus spells.

Rules Questions

So my question is about the sorcerer. I've read the sorcerer section thoroughly and it's stated in the bloodline bonus spells that a sorcerer "learns" said spells but there is nothing about being able to cast them as either regular spells or as SLA's.

Now for example I'm looking at the impossible bloodline which gives the sorcerer Confusion as a bonus spell at level 3.

Now Confusion is a 4th level spell but sorcerer's can't cast 4th level spells until level 8. Does this mean a Sorcerer can't cast said spell until 5 levels later! If not what is the spell level of said spells for determining the DC of them?

...Actually, that Sorcerer won't cast Confusion until level 9, when he actually gets it (unless he chooses to learn it regularly at level 8). The spell that he gets at level 3 is the 1st level spell Lesser Confusion. Make Whole comes at 5th, then Shrink Item at 7, and eventually Confusion at level 9.

*Face Palm*

It's Lesser Confusion at level three.

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