unchained summoner question Eidolon evolutions

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

This question came up while playing with some friends in Florida on Vacation.

Unchained Summoner fixes summoner in a lot of ways
it recosts and re writes many evolution, which is good

no where does it say that an unchained summoners Eidolon only has access to those evolutions.

So what about the shadow evolutions from the advanced race guide. Are those barred from the unchained summoner.

Or the evolution not from the original APG, but from Ultimate Magic. I could not find a distinct ruling on this, but am curious. Since it was a home game i let it go, but would not mind knowing the official stance. There were some evolutions that have come out in books After the Unchained book release...are they legal?

Dark Archive

Bumping, because I'm hoping Someone knows now

The impression I have is that content published after unchained was intended to be compatible with either version, but prior content may or may not work well or be balanced. There is a general blurb in the intro to unchained classes that says that stuff should have gm review.

simple solution don't use unchained summoner get and use all the normal options

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