Ekkie - Guttersnipe power feat question

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion

Ekkie's Guttersnipe role card has "You may evade your encounter; shuffle the evaded card into a random location, if it came from one. (◻️ Then you may examine the top card of your location.) (◻️ Then you may move.)"
Can Ekkie take "(◻️ Then you may move.)" before taking "(◻️ Then you may examine the top card of your location.)"? I know the rule about taking adjacent powers first. Does a period and a new sentence stop two power feats from being adjacent? Or does that rule only apply to obvious sequential power feats?

Sovereign Court

A period doesn't change the fact that they are adjacent and sequential. You can't take "You may move" until after the "Examine" power feat.

Actually the periods are there to emphasize the fact that the two powers are "adjacent".

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