Alchemist / Ranger Questions


1. How might I offset an alchemist having access to "Holy Ice Weapon"? Or is that something I shouldn't even worry too much about?

2. Are there any alchemist/investigator archetypes that deal specifically with dragons?

3. Barring anything like in (2), is there an alchemist or investigator type that would pair well with a "Dragon Hunter" Ranger type?

Silver Crusade

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"holy ice weapon" isn't on the alchemist spell/extract list. I'm not sure you can make a potion of it either since it creates rather than targets "one ice weapon". In any event it's not a super strong spell.

I don't know of any alchemist/investigator archetypes dealing with dragons. It's possible to make a dragon disciple with a gigantic STR score by using alchemist levels, for example alc2/barb2/sor1/dd x. And Form of the Dragon 1 is on the alchemist extract list.

Alchemist is a very flexible class. A bomber (eg mind chemist or grenadier) can take discoveries to vary the energy damage of his bombs and bombs target touch AC, which tends to be a weakness of dragons.

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From what I've read, alchemists that have two energy types for their bombs make dragons look utterly pathetic in the higher levels since they have no touch ac and bombs ignore SR. No need to add any dragon hunter from the ranger.

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