Declindgrunt |
Hello friendly forum members my group is gonna start hells rebels soon and I'm thinking of playing a samurai I'm here today looks for suggestions, first off I'll be using the sword Saint archtype, 25 point buy. I have questions regarding how effective a intimate build would be? How good/useful it is to have some aoe cleave/whirlwind attack etc... Any and all advice is welcome thanks!
Kalindlara Contributor |
Please don't use Sword Saint. I love the theme, but it's a trap.
Instead, consider building toward the Deadly Stroke feat. It builds off Dazzling Display, so it dovetails well with your Intimidate idea.
Cleave is just fine, but Whirlwind Attack is very prerequisite-heavy. Consider Great Cleave instead.
Kalindlara Contributor |
Kalindlara Contributor |
Kalindlara Contributor |
Muser |
Deadly Stroke is pretty good. Takes a ton of levels to get to though. Try to get Cornugon Smash early and ask if you can use the Hurtful feat from Monster Codex. Helps getting the most out of Intimidate before the crown jewel.
I play a demoralizing Samurai in PFS and the only problem about the intimidation feat tree is that if you happen to challenge the target too they're most likely dead after hitting 2-3 times. Shatter Defenses needs 3 hits to get rolling afterall.