Druid with Energy channel

Rules Questions

A number of questions packed in one. Ultimately I'd like to know whether I can build a druid with the Energy Channel feat from APG.

I plan to do this by picking up a Terrain Domain which grants Channel Energy and then via the domain qualifying for http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/war-blessing]War Blessing. With War blessing (which says it counts as the blessing ability) I then choose an elemental blessing and voila Energy Channels prerequisites are fullfilled.

Is my reasoning sound?

Shameless bump. and I guess while I'm at it I'll specify.

a) Does a Druid's Domain qualify for War Blessing?

b) If so does a Druid with Channel from a Terrain Domain and War Blessing (Fire) qualify for Energy Channel?

Thanks for your input!

a) A Druid's Domain should qualify for the War Blessing feat. You get a domain as a class feature (part of Nature Bond).

b) Channel Energy is Channel Energy, despite what creatures/types it effects. The only stipulation that the Channel Energy you get from the Druid Terrain Domains is that you can't take feats that alter what types the channel effects. You are free to take feats that add to it. Energy Channel appears to be a feat that adds to the list of things you can do with the feat without changing what creatures the channel effects.

Summary: Looks good. Do it.

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