Feral hunter vs Druid 4 / Ranger X..... part 2 :-)


A while back I decided to prepare for our upcoming adventure, I want to play a "monster hunter" martial wildshaper. A kind of like van helsing who also happens to be a werecreature. He uses a 2 handed weapon and shapes for combat. The shapes are also used for utility.

My race will be a Coldborn skinwalker. For the classes I have 2 options: The feral hunter or a multiclass Demonslayer Ranger / Menhir Savant Druid. (Both are based on personal preference and features I like in my characters... I already had some topics about the classes, so those I'm not going to change..)

For feats I need for my concept to work for the druid/ranger the Shaping focus and Shapeshifting hunter feats. For both concepts I like the eldritch claws feat and the power attack feat. The rest is still open... I'm looking into feats that give extra damage in both combat styles...

Now that my two options are more clear and I eliminated all other classes and races... how do these 2 compare?
(The Dr/Ra gets his second and 3th attack earlier.. but is behind in feats. The FH gets feral (animal) focus to boost his strenght.. Spells are better and more high level for the FH, but does this give him a power boost? How does the damage compare at higher levels for his sword combat and wildshape (dire bear for combat)? (I'm not so good with number crunching...))

Really looking foreward to what you think :-)

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