Threeshades |

I'm toying with the idea of running a 5e game with a setting similar in theme to Bloodborne, so a victorian era styled dark gothic horror setting focussing around themes of lycanthropy, eldritch horrors and lots of blood.
I'm not a hundred percent sure yet I want to commit to this, because it has been a long time since i tried GMing a PbP game, and I would have to build up some basics of the setting first.
Should this happen however, I'd say I would allow all PHB options, except for races which would probably be limited to humans, tieflings and shifters from the Eberron Unearthed Arcana article and the gunslinger martial archetype from Critical Role.
As I said I'm not sure I will go through with this yet, I just want to see if people would generally be interested in this.

Belac93 |

I will play as a shifter fighter or rogue, tiefling bard, or, if you would allow it, a changeling rogue. I thought it might fit. I am in a 5e campaign at the moment on this sight, and have much experience with 5e, and have been playing for quite a few years. So yeah, I'll play if you let me.
EDIT: what books are allowed? What level would we be starting at, and are feats allowed?

Threeshades |

Looks like there is a lot of interest. I haven't figured out all the particulars, I have a few ideas for the setting. Character creation will be pretty much default, 27 pb, half +1 HP per die etc. I'd consider any unearthed arcana and sword coast guide class and background options, except for awakened mystic (because 5 levels is not a complete class), as long as we can make it fit. I also have a small collection of fan created content, I may add a few of the higher quality creations as options.
As for races i will probably only go with the above mentioned, might go over what exists and if there is something else that fits, and/or add a homebrew race or two but will probably want the party to be mostly human.
Starting level would probably be 3rd, because that's where most classes get to make their specialization choices and really start to get to their point and I like to do high-stakes (as in difficult) battles, which end up a little too deadly at 1 or 2 HD.
But none of this is entirely set in stone, since as I said, I'm not entirely sure yet I can pull this through. But the interest certainly has me motivated.

Threeshades |

Are you allowing 3PP? Specifically Deductionist?
I'm planning on using 5e DnD. But to answer the question as it stands: Yes, on a case by case basis. I'd have to see it first.

Belac93 |

Here is Houl Gredrak. I'd rather not make an alias, because I don't want my alias page to get super crowded. I'll get up my other character when (s)he is done.
Full Name: Houl Gredrak
Race: Beasthide Shifter
Classes/Levels: Fighter 3
Gender: Male
Size: Medium
Age: 49
Alignment: LN
Deity: undecided, will choose later
Languages: Common, Sylvan
10 (0)
16 (+3)
16 (+3)
11 (0)
12 (+1)
8 (-1)
About Houl Gredrak
Houl Gredrak, Fighter 3, LN Mercenary Veteran Beasthide Shifter
Features & Traits
Fighting Style: Archery
Second Wind 1d10 +3
Action Surge
Maneuvers: DC 13 4d8 dice: Trip attack, Parry, Menacing attack.
Student of War, Woodcarvers Tools
Darkvision 60 feet
Shifting, 4 temporary hit points, +1 AC
Mercenary Life
Saving Throws Strength +2, Constitution +5
Tools: Woodcarvers Tools
Skills (trained)
Athletics +2
Persuasion +1
Intimidation +1
Perception +3
AC: 14 (15 shifting, 16 shield, 17 shield and shifting)
HP: 13
Proficiency Bonus: +2
Passive Perception: 13
Speed (ft): 30 ft.
Houl is a gruff, grumpy, and pragmatic soul
Staying alive is the most important thing.
I will do anything for my old company.
I agree to many things without thinking them through first.
20 arrows
Leather Armor
2 Handaxes
Explorers Pack
Travellers Clothes
Marine Insignia
10 gp.
Languages: Common Sylvan
Background. Unfinished

Threeshades |

No! Please stop making characters!
I'm not a hundred percent sure yet I want to commit to this, because it has been a long time since i tried GMing a PbP game, and I would have to build up some basics of the setting first.
As I said I'm not sure I will go through with this yet, I just want to see if people would generally be interested in this.
I'm not nearly ready to start recruitment! I don't want to have people make caracters if I don't know yet whether the campaign will even take off.
if/when I'm ready I will make a proper recruitment thread. Before that any work you put into a character is just potential wasted time. And I don't want to waste anyone's time.

Threeshades |

I've started working out a few details about the setting. There will be only three "deities", or perhaps I should call them pantheons, because aside from one of them they are rather polytheistic religions, while the last one is a monotheistic one. Each of them can be worshipped by any alignment, because I intend to have alignments not be as clear cut as they ususally are in DnD (mind you they still exist, but they should be seen rather loosely, I won't consider it out of character for a lawful good character to kill a helpless prisoner, if the character thinks that is the best course of action), so that you cannot immediately tell by a character's faith whether they are good or evil.
I also have a rough outline for the game's setting, it will be set in the crumbling capital of a powerful empire that has been ravaged by a terrible curse for the last two years, since the moon has stopped changing phases and has been stuck in full moon.
I don't intend on lycanthropy to be the typical DnD thing, but something messier, ranging between traditional folk tale werewolves and the beast blood affliction in bloodborne. As a result many will be monstrosities rather than humanoids and/or may not be shapeshifters.
A lot of creatures from regular DnD won't be a thing in this setting. Things like owlbears and similar hybrid creatures, most nonhuman humanoids, including most core player races. I am not sure if I will completely erase entire creature types, but I don't yet see how constructs, oozes and plants would fit in. Fey would have an anchor in the already established background, but most of them don't fit the theme, I think.
I will not begin recruitment before january. But I do think this is going to happen.

bookrat |

...I intend to have alignments not be as clear cut as they ususally are in DnD (mind you they still exist, but they should be seen rather loosely...
That's right in line with how 5e was designed. There are extremely few alignment based mechanics, and none of the classes are alignment focused. You could even play a CE paladin if you wanted.
They intended for roleplaying to lead to alignment (if it's used at all) rather than having alignment be used to determine roleplaying. You could completely eliminate it from the game and I doubt there would be any impact.
I will not begin recruitment before january. But I do think this is going to happen.
I look forward to it.

Threeshades |

I was also thinking about including trick weapons like in bloodborne. The idea at the moment would be you can make a trick weapon out of any two weapons you can think of, as long as you can reasonably explain how the two forms work. Maybe also allow a single weapon to split into two smaller weapons.
For example the burial blade would switch between a glaive and a scimitar, ludwig's holy blade would be a longsword/greatsword, the kirkhammer a rapier/maul, the blade of mercy a scimitar/two daggers etc. I would allow you to make up your own weapon under the above limitation, you can even combine melee and ranged weapons, or two ranged weapons, if you can think of how to do it.
The way i currently think they'll work is that the weapon weighs as much as the heavier part, costs as much as twice the cost of both parts (so kirkhammer would be 10 lb. and cost 2x(25+10)=70 gp) and you can switch between the parts as either a bonus action or as part of an action (the same way you draw a weapon or retrieve a readied item), I haven't decided yet.
You would be allowed to make the switch during an attack action if you have multiple attacks and for example make one attack with the rapier and the second attack with the maul.
If you're not proficient with both modes of the weapon you don't get your proficiency bonus to attacks with either. (for example a rogue is not proficient with mauls, so if she's wielding the Kirkhammer she is not considered proficient with the rapier part either)

Threeshades |

That's right in line with how 5e was designed. There are extremely few alignment based mechanics, and none of the classes are alignment focused. You could even play a CE paladin if you wanted.
They intended for roleplaying to lead to alignment (if it's used at all) rather than having alignment be used to determine roleplaying. You could completely eliminate it from the game and I doubt there would be any impact.
I will use it primarily as a very rough summary of the character's morality.

bookrat |

I was also thinking about including trick weapons like in bloodborne. The idea at the moment would be you can make a trick weapon out of any two weapons you can think of, as long as you can reasonably explain how the two forms work. Maybe also allow a single weapon to split into two smaller weapons.
For example the burial blade would switch between a glaive and a scimitar, ludwig's holy blade would be a longsword/greatsword, the kirkhammer a rapier/maul, the blade of mercy a scimitar/two daggers etc. I would allow you to make up your own weapon under the above limitation, you can even combine melee and ranged weapons, or two ranged weapons, if you can think of how to do it.
The way i currently think they'll work is that the weapon weighs as much as the heavier part, costs as much as twice the cost of both parts (so kirkhammer would be 10 lb. and cost 2x(25+10)=70 gp) and you can switch between the parts as either a bonus action or as part of an action (the same way you draw a weapon or retrieve a readied item), I haven't decided yet.
You would be allowed to make the switch during an attack action if you have multiple attacks and for example make one attack with the rapier and the second attack with the maul.
If you're not proficient with both modes of the weapon you don't get your proficiency bonus to attacks with either. (for example a rogue is not proficient with mauls, so if she's wielding the Kirkhammer she is not considered proficient with the rapier part either)
At first I thought this would allow a character to bypass normal two-weapon fighting rules:
Normal: you can two-weapon fight only if one of your weapons is a light weapon (and the other no more than a one-handed weapon) or with one-handed weapons if you have the Dual Wielder feat.
But then I reread it and realized that's not the case. It just allows you to switch weapons between normal attacks, but still not use a bonus action to fight with the "off hand weapon" (so to speak).
I might change the weight requirements, but I'm not sold on my own idea here. As heavy as the heavier weapon + 0.5x the weight of the lighter weapon.

Threeshades |

I might change the weight requirements, but I'm not sold on my own idea here. As heavy as the heavier weapon + 0.5x the weight of the lighter weapon.
I was also considering that way of calculating the weight, not sure about which way to go.
Allowing players to use the stats for non-humans as human variants might be a good idea for this game. It allows for more variation but doesn't have the problem of role-playing inaccuracies.
I will consider it, but the fact alone that almost all non-human racces have dark vision is unfitting I think. And to be fair with 2 human variants, one iof which gets to chose among 4 factors the variet<y in a single party won't suffer terribly.

![]() |

Ditto what Filios said. =-D
Mind you, just a thought, if one were to really encourage the weapon-morphing angle, it might be a thing to have monsters really work the RPS of Resistant to one type of damage (among the three of slashing, piercing, crushing) and vulnerable to another, since you're using non-standard monsters anyway. Just a thought. =)