Best way to utilize a surviving Tsuto

Rise of the Runelords

So I had this game a while back (it's over now) where Tsuto had survived Burnt Offerings. One PC in particular made a lifelong enemy of him by taunting him with Nualia's severed head, so I had him escape from his prison convey en route to Magnimaar and was planning on having him become a recurring villain in the AP. I'm gonna be starting a new RoTRL game soon and still like the idea, so how can I preserve Tsuto for a fresh party, and how would you suggest bringing him back?

I still think the idea of him swearing vengeance for Nualia's death makes sense - I just need to make him a little less "my love will raise me" in his attitudes towards retreat or surrender. I figure that he might stalk the party and then try to ambush them later when they're already in deep s$#%, but not sure where. Maybe the Graul farm? Or maybe he shows up with some hired Sczarni thugs?

If he can survive a second run-in with the PCs, I want him to somehow fall in with Karzoug and start working for him for a chance to get back at the PCs. I have this image where he shows up for a final fight magically enhanced, maybe bleeding with fresh runic tattoos, but I can't find a template that would work for this. Any suggestions?

If he gets captured and sent to Magnimar, he could end up getting sentenced to the Black Arrows, from there replace Kaven in chapter 3 with Tsuto.
As for having Tsuto at the final battle, maybe they have found a Runeslave Cauldron that works on humans and such instead of giants?

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martinaj wrote:

So I had this game a while back (it's over now) where Tsuto had survived Burnt Offerings. One PC in particular made a lifelong enemy of him by taunting him with Nualia's severed head, so I had him escape from his prison convey en route to Magnimaar and was planning on having him become a recurring villain in the AP. I'm gonna be starting a new RoTRL game soon and still like the idea, so how can I preserve Tsuto for a fresh party, and how would you suggest bringing him back?

I still think the idea of him swearing vengeance for Nualia's death makes sense - I just need to make him a little less "my love will raise me" in his attitudes towards retreat or surrender. I figure that he might stalk the party and then try to ambush them later when they're already in deep s#~%, but not sure where. Maybe the Graul farm? Or maybe he shows up with some hired Sczarni thugs?

If he can survive a second run-in with the PCs, I want him to somehow fall in with Karzoug and start working for him for a chance to get back at the PCs. I have this image where he shows up for a final fight magically enhanced, maybe bleeding with fresh runic tattoos, but I can't find a template that would work for this. Any suggestions?

given his background, him working together with the Brotherhood of Seven makes a lot of sense. If he was captured, a certain Justice would get his hands on him anyway. He doesn't have any connections to Lucretia (that I'm aware of), so if he's sent to the Black Arrows he might be unaware of her plans (unless X. had her own plans with him there)

My best idea would be (of course assuming he got captured) let him show up in the Seven's Sawmill as right hand of Ironbriar* and if he survives that as well and gets captured again, let him either get sentenced to serve the Black Arrows with X. informing her sister that a devoted servant of her is on the way to the Hook Mountain region OR sentence him to the Hell, and just have fun with encounters and a full blown riot there in a sidequest later on.

*My group will be in Magnimar to witness Tsuto's trial held by Justice Ironbriar which will help a) set up the idea that Ironbriar is a righteous Justice fighting against a corrupt system and b)will introduce the Black Arrows a little bit earlier. [c) courtroom drama. dissecting my players testimonies. that will be lots of fun. at least for me]

As for his appearance in the last books: I second the idea of a runeslave cauldron. that's the easiest thing to adapt. but Xin-Shalast should be full of surprises and magic mumbojumbo. maybe he stumbled on something entirerly different? feel free to use any template you want to enhance him and reskin it a little bit.

My party captured him, so I had him stand trial. Ironbriar presided, of course, and sentenced him to life in The Hells. What no one else knew was that Tsuto was Ironbriar's son, and he was sprung to help his old man with his crazy death cult thing. Tsuto was leveled up and encountered in the sawmill with his old man.

I did the same thing as TwoWolves, but had Ironbriar send him to Xanesha instead. I gave him a couple of more levels and he worked as an errand boy (and, at least in his mind, bodyguard) for her, and eventually met his demise in Xanesha's lair.

I used the same plot twist of Tsuto and Ironbriar being father and son. I had Tsuto sentenced to a public hanging, so the party wouldn't suspect anything. The only thing they didn't know was that it was a faceless stalker being hanged in his place, so Tsuto shows up later with Ironbriar for his revenge.

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