Kineticist Wall Infusion shapable?

Rules Questions

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

In the Kineticist's Wall Infusion it only defines the dimensions as either being up to 10 ft high and 120 ft long or up to 20 ft high and 60 ft long. It says nothing about having to be flat or if it can be curved. So long as it stay within one of the two sizes could I curve the wall such as into a semi-circle, or have it snake in an "S" shape? There is some clarification here about the wall, namely that it is placed on the edges of squares like other walls and its interaction when placed on top of larger creatures. Most other wall spells like Wall of Stone, Wind Wall, and Wall of Force all specify not just dimensions but also what shape(s) the wall can take. So is the Wall Infusion restricted to a flat vertical plane or can it be curved or tilted?

Edit: An additional question: does the entire wall have to be within 30 feet of the Kineticist? The infusion states that "The wall appears with 30 feet" but this would severely limit how big the wall could be if its not shapable. Even with the shortest maximum length you would have to drop the wall right on top of yourself for it to reach the full 60 feet.

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