Looking to GM for an Established Group with its own Campaign Desires


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Sasha Neville wrote:

Sasha is not proper adjusted for this game.

that is an old character sheet so do not go by what is in that alias.

I threw her up there cause the back story is what I wanted to submit first. working on the crunch still.

Alrighty then, that makes sense. No insult meant and none taken I hope? I've just gotten into the habit of helping some of the players in my RL group keep track of their characters mechanics, and the like.

EDIT: Add the Estoc to my previous question about the Bastard Sword.

is recruitment closed for this?

Grand Lodge

Green Smashomancer wrote:
Sasha Neville wrote:

Sasha is not proper adjusted for this game.

that is an old character sheet so do not go by what is in that alias.

I threw her up there cause the back story is what I wanted to submit first. working on the crunch still.

Alrighty then, that makes sense. No insult meant and none taken I hope? I've just gotten into the habit of helping some of the players in my RL group keep track of their characters mechanics, and the like.

EDIT: Add the Estoc to my previous question about the Bastard Sword.

Is the Bastard-Sword/Estoc question relating to the Tengu's proficiency?

You'd have the full proficiency, being able to use each one-handed at no penalty.

qwerty1971 wrote:
is recruitment closed for this?

Yes, I was looking for an already fairly established group that knew what it wanted in a campaign, and have found one.

Excellent. Fear not, the Mesmerist is much worse at fighting than I previously thought, so even the most hardcore min-maxing will only result in decency. I think I'll go with an estoc to start with, it's fairly thematic, being a variant rapier, even if just in style.

If a Party Face is needed more than a Support, I can definitely take another stab at one of my swashbucklers like Tikkle.

I'm tossing a few thoughts around:

Tikkle, the Catfolk Swashbuckler, has a wit as quick as his rapier and is a strong, if silly, leader.

Jeggs, the Tengu Warpriest, is a little undecided as of yet. He may not be charismatic enough, but would add to our sustainability.

I am also looking through a bit of the new stuff that has been released in the past few months. Some Ideas are coming, but I'll finalize soon.

Can someone throw together a summation of Roles/classes at some point? Or at least toss out the new role you're looking to fill if you havent confirmed recently.

Here's the old Tikkle. Just to put that out there.

If I have gotten this all correct at this point. I believe we are decided as follows...

Ammon: Rogue Skill Monkey
Edward: Sorcerer Extraordinaire
Vincent: Jhaartael the Ranger DPS (Longbowman)
Green: Possible Mesmerist Face?
Ace: Swashbuckler Melee/Face or Warpriest Melee/partial healer?

Is that correct everyone?


So, two questions,

Are people, perchance, still taking submissions for characters?

Would a 'Spellslinger' be acceptable into the mix?

Sorry, given work schedule, all I have prepared at the moment is this Sunset

For the DM:
Also, at seventh level I would, perchance, like to do something... a bit unique with 'Clockwork familiar' in that instead of a small mechanical animal that spits a magic bolt. Change the shape so that it resembles a gun. Hence having a two weapon spell slinger.

Thoughts? Comments?

Tikkle wrote:
Here's the old Tikkle. Just to put that out there.

Catfolk not allowed, unfortunately. If you'd enjoy party face work, you're welcome to it, I'd be happy with either the Summoner, or the Mesmerist. Either one would help the group fairly well, just in different ways.

Jhaartael Waelvor wrote:

If I have gotten this all correct at this point. I believe we are decided as follows...

Ammon: Rogue Skill Monkey
Edward: Sorcerer Extraordinaire
Vincent: Jhaartael the Ranger DPS (Longbowman)
Green: Possible Mesmerist Face?
Ace: Swashbuckler Melee/Face or Warpriest Melee/partial healer?

Is that correct everyone?

Looks right to me, though I should point out that both the Mesmerist and Rogue will be focusing on entirely separate skills. So x2 skillmonkeys. A mesmerist will offer additional debuffing to the opposition. Whereas a Summoner would give battlefield control, and put some bodies on the field as well. But with weak face ability.

Too bad no Vanara, we could have literal skillmonkeys.

I apologize for my post and the editing window has expired.

Best wishes to all.

Dang Racists. Ah well, I can whip up another Swashbuckler. Maybe use the new archetype from the Weaponmaster's handbook.

Hey, boss, are we gonna be using any variant rules from unchained or house rules? I enjoy house rules for the most part and the background skills system is fun to me.

Grand Lodge

Ace Matthews wrote:

Dang Racists. Ah well, I can whip up another Swashbuckler. Maybe use the new archetype from the Weaponmaster's handbook.

Hey, boss, are we gonna be using any variant rules from unchained or house rules? I enjoy house rules for the most part and the background skills system is fun to me.

Just the unchained classes.

So, looking at the characters, it seems to me we have the Arcane Caster, the Skill Monkey, the Ranged Martial, some mixed debuffing and face skills from the Mesmerist, and lastly a melee guy.

So, it looks like the GM PC will be something in the vein of a character that can contribute to healing, and a bit of melee.

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Alright. I have a couple of crazy days coming up what with moving back to carolina and helping my GF move out as well. I should be settled by wednesday, at which point I will research and build my character in full. Tip o' the hat to all, and I'll see you then.

Grand Lodge

Ace Matthews wrote:
Alright. I have a couple of crazy days coming up what with moving back to carolina and helping my GF move out as well. I should be settled by wednesday, at which point I will research and build my character in full. Tip o' the hat to all, and I'll see you then.

How is your character coming along?

Silver Crusade

so were are we all on this

Well, I need to do three things:

  • Write out his skill ranks.

  • Come up with a cool backstory.

  • And think about a new First name, since I'm not digging this one.

  • ~poke poke~ Doing a bit of pokery to see if we're still in on this idea???

    Silver Crusade

    i know i am but haven't heard anything from it in a while

    Guess the next question is: "Is the GM still interested?"

    I had some technological issues over christmas. but I'm still here! is anyone else still around?

    I am still here just have not done anything to update the character till I know if anything is really gonna happen.

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