Bestiary 5 characters

Product Discussion

So I am extremely happy about the new bestiary. I love Orang-Pendaks and Deep Ones. I have been wanting and suggesting a plant race. I love red pandas and all things clockwork. I love aliens, too.

Also I love the vast variety of options that Pathfinder has, and I enjoy seeing other people's creations.

So my question to you all is what characters have you made/do you plan to make using the Bestiary 5 options?

I'd love to see what you all have come up with!

If you have links to your character info/sheets (myth-weavers, obsidian portal, google drive, etc.) then I would love to see that too.

I'm thinking of running a short afterlife campaign with a full Shabti party realizing their nature and trying to escape before they are transformed into fiends.

Scarab Sages

I have an awakened red panda investigator that has more skill ranks than hit points.

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