Advice for Multiple PCs


Hello. I have some builds for three PCs, and I was wondering if there can be any advice for the best options. All of the stats that will be presented next to the characters will be based off of a 20-point buy system (the racial modifiers will be presented next to the stat)

Here's what I have:

Marini, female gnome alchemist (stats: Str 8 (-2 modifier), Dex 13, Con 14 (+2 modifier), Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 15 (+2 modifier)); I plan to make her mutagen focused on Dexterity, and make her a main with her bombs.

Primog, male dwarf barbarian (urban barbarian) (stats: Str 14, Dex 15, Con 14 (+2 modifier), Int 13, Wis 13 (+2 modifier), Cha 10 (-2 modifier)) Typical barbarian build, focused on his greataxe and making his controlled rage focused on Strength and Dexterity.

Altan, male human inquisitor of Shelyn 1 (Domain: Protection) (stats: Str 15, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 15 (+2 modifier), Cha 13); He's gonna be an oddball of an inquisitor, as I plan on making him give debuffs to the enemies he's engaging with his glaive.

Any and all advice will be helpful.

You have mediocre primary stats and don't need all of your stats quite so high. I'd strongly recommend that your primary stat start at a 17 before your racial modifier. With a gnomish alchemist and a dwarven barbarian, you don't get your racial bonus stat in your primary stat so consider putting an 18 in that.

An alchemist with only an intelligence of 14 is going to be missing out on bonus extracts. You'll want that higher.

A "typical barbarian build" should have a starting strength of at least 18. A 19 or 20 is probably better but not going to be possible with a dwarf.

An inquisitor who works on debuffs isn't a particular oddball. There's lots of good debuffing spells. You will, though, want a higher wisdom if you're going to go the debuff route. Your saving throws are based off of your wisdom and you don't have many options for making them that much higher. If you're a human, starting with a 19 is what you should consider a minimum.

I...see. I try not to make the stats super high, since I know some GMs don't want any PC with a stat over 18. But I can edit it out.

I think my main focus for now is the inquisitor. I have a major backstory working out for him as what made him an inquisitor of the goddess of love.

I've decided to put skill ranks into Perception, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (religion), Survival, and Spellcraft. Feat wise, I want to start him out with Dodge and Toughness, but as for future feats, Weapon Focus and Combat Casting (if that's a smart choice) would be just two of the feats I may want to use.

KoolKobold wrote:

I...see. I try not to make the stats super high, since I know some GMs don't want any PC with a stat over 18. But I can edit it out.

I think my main focus for now is the inquisitor. I have a major backstory working out for him as what made him an inquisitor of the goddess of love.

I've decided to put skill ranks into Perception, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (religion), Survival, and Spellcraft. Feat wise, I want to start him out with Dodge and Toughness, but as for future feats, Weapon Focus and Combat Casting (if that's a smart choice) would be just two of the feats I may want to use.

I wouldn't worry about trying to make a single PC that will make all GMs happy. That just won't happen. Stick with your own GM and what he/she is like.

If you're aiming for debuffing, you REALLY need a high stat bonus. There aren't a lot of ways to increase your save DCs. I have a debuff-based enchanter and the high charisma, spell focus, greater spell focus, spell tattoo (for increasing duration), and a trait all add together to make me useful (plus the really ridiculous Intimidate score to knock down their saves even more). If you are trying to do debuffing and your opponents always make their saves, you're going to have a bad time.

If you want to keep your primary casting stat "reasonable" then stick with buffing. You don't need the DC boost for those.

Okay. Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Spell Tattoo...

Armor wise, I think that a chain shirt, or at the very least, a studded leather would work. Would that work?

As for traits...I think the Suspicious trait gains a bonus to Sense Motive right?

He's basically become the path of the inquisitor due to having someone prevent him from finding love. And I mean "Go near my daughter and I'll hurt her" kind of way. It may be the most done to death trope, but honestly, I can't think of any other way that makes a religious bounty hunter for the goddess of love make more sense.

EDIT: With the inquisitor, still sticking with the 20 point buy system, here's what I got now: Str 13, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 19 (+2 modifier), Cha 12. This sound better? If needed, I can switch the Dex and Con score.

Scarab Sages

Oh good grief. Your starting stats are fine. Considered shooting for even stats though. Those odd numbered stats are almost like wasted points at low levels. Combat Reflexes for the Inquisitor will be a great pickup, and you want your gnome to get Precise Shot ASAP.

Okay then. So...should I get Combat Relfexes and Dodge, Improved Initiative, or Toughness? Or which order? I feel like Combat Reflexes and Toughness would be great, but I'm not entirely sure.

On a PbP campaign, I have the feeling that the best campaigns he could be in would be Rise of the Runelords or Jade Regent (but other campaigns he could possibly fit in)

Scarab Sages

Toughness is terrible at low levels. Dodge is pretty meh as well. I'd grab Improved Initiative and Combat Reflexes first. This ensures you get good initiative, which lets you go forward and get those extra AoO's early on.

I see. I think of considering Spell Focus (enchantment, due to the fact that most of the debuffing spells inquisitors cast are of the enchantment type) at 3rd, then Weapon Focus (glaive) at 5th, then Combat Casting at the 7th. Although, if need it be, I can switch it around.

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