VonDien |

We use all PF products and one or two specific 3.5 books (Magic Item Compendium). Usually between the three of us who DM there havent been many restrictions on races, just a few class no nos (gunslinger, summoner)
and NO we are not looking to tie the new AP to our KM game, but might choose to if it seemed cool.

VonDien |

I like Reign of Winter.
It makes additional races actually work out. It also has it's sort of built-in solution to the magic item shop.
Rise of the Runelords is pretty awesome too. Very dark.
How would you describe your group's playing style?
How does Reign makes additional races work out?
Also whats so "dark" about RotRL?
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Reign basically takes you throughout time, and alternate universes, in Baba Yaga's Hut, which in a number of ways, is like the Tardis.
Since you are all over the place, you are pretty much exotic foreigners wherever you go, so unusual races don't detract anything.
I am not really sure how to exactly explain what makes RotRL dark, except that it can deal with some very adult themes. Rape, torture, incest, dismemberment and others. Not everyone's cup of tea.

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I really loved Reign of Winter. A clever way of tie-in would be to just move the start of the first book into your KM country. Technically it's Taldor, but it doesn't actually matter (without getting too spoilery), so long as it's a place that snows in the middle of summer would be weird. So you can hook it that your old crew (who are 20th level or whatever and running the country) hire out some 1st level adventurers to figure out what's going on.