Yet Another Fighter Homebrew

Homebrew and House Rules J6Vk/edit?pli=1

Errrh, well. I recently looked at all the cool things the Swashbuckler can do, and then wondered why they haven't made an archetype that could be more fighter-like? As in, heavier armor, less emphasis on agile things and light weapons. Then I thought, really, what if I apply this principle and make a homebrew rework of the fighter, then just say that the swashbuckler is an archetype of that?

I think it turned out pretty well, but you be the judge. I'm using the barbarian and his rage powers as the primary class balance example. Comparing them in the same way you would compare a sorcerer with a wizard, I suppose.

The Barbarian still has all these supernatural/superhuman things he can do such as grow wings, have massive saves, break spells apart and get massive strength over this version of the fighter.

Meanwhile this version of the fighter, at least I hope, has a superior number of tactical options in combat, as well as resource managment, ways to do things besides full attack, ways to do things while he full attacks, ways to break the action economy a little bit, ways to stay alive outside of what you would expect for a fighter, as well as straying from the stereotype of the Big Dumb Fighter a little bit, I hope. Yet, he still can't fly, he still can't break spells apart and so on and so forth. This fighter is also a little more MAD than the barbarian.

Opinions, suggestions and so on are appreciated, but please abstain from posting something along the lines of "My own homebrew is shiny and cool, check it out.". I'd like to keep to the general spirit of the intended homebrew, and would prefer hearing objective balance-related criticism, over personal taste.


On a side note, I'd recommend someone playing this homebrew to start with something like this.

20 point buy

16 +2 racial STR
15 DEX
12 CON
10 WIS
14 Int

General 1: Weapon Focus
Bonus Fighter 1: Extra Superiority (Panache/Grit/Whatever)

Trait1: Duelist (+1 to AoO for Opportune Parry and Riposte)
Trait2: +1 Will save, or anything else you'd rather prefer.


Edit: One issue I can immediately see might be the abuse of Action Surge and the Cornugon Smash + Hurtful combo. Not sure how to remedy that without upsetting the class, though.

Edit2: I suppose this fighter could be adapted for the Unchained stamina rules by simply applying stamina to his Superiority pool in some manner. Considering the fact that stamina is more abundant than Superiority, I'd say that simply increasing the costs of Maneuvers should work.

The link doesn't show a file, I think you posted the edit link instead of share link.

Edit: Still not fixed

Did you go Share -> Get Sharable Link?

Still not working for me, and I tried another device. Maybe it's region locked or google hates me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Should be fixed.

Edit: I did, yeah. Let me try again.

Edit2: Fixed it.

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