1-6A: Gashgelag?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Shouldn't there be a Gashgelag paste-up or whatever in the pdf? Seems like it'd be tough to fight a villain without a villain to fight?

Pathfinder ACG Developer

Absolutely. I'll flag the team and they'll get it fixed up. If anyone is running that in the next 24 hours, please PM me and I'll send you some stats.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Just roll with "he's a big jerk who jerky-jerks" for now.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Heya, we've gone ahead and fixed this, so if you re-download this card will be included.

Okay, so I wanted to see how much of a jerky-jerk Gashgelag was and now I think there might need to be some clarification. He has the following two powers:

"Any character dealt damage during this encounter may not use character powers until the end of the encounter.

Before you act, each character at your location attempts a Dexterity or Acrobatics 16 check. Characters who succeed are dealt 2 Fire damage; characters who fail are dealt 2d4 Fire damage."

So with the second power, no matter if characters succeed or fail, they have damage coming their way during the encounter if they're at the villain's location. So is it intended that unless the character can reduce the fire damage to 0, he can't use character powers? Or is the first power only concerned with combat damage, mainly coming into effect if the character botches the first of the villain's two checks to defeat?

I can see it being intended to work either way, so I figured I'd ask the question.

Adventure Card Game Designer

pluvia33 wrote:
So is it intended that unless the character can reduce the fire damage to 0, he can't use character powers?


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer


It should be: "Any character who discards cards as damage during this encounter may not use character powers."

Will update Monday.

Pathfinder ACG Developer

It is perhaps worth note that it does not prevent you from absolutely murdering him with your weapons, mythic charges, etc.

But yes, armor is handy against him.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Does this mean that characters lose their weapon and armor proficiencies against this guy if they take damage?

Pathfinder ACG Developer

I'll let the official rules folks weigh in on the proficiency question.

For the curious, the power is helping to model that his attacks all stagger, stun, and inflict negative levels in the RPG. His breath automatically staggers anyone damaged by it, for instance.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

ryric wrote:
Does this mean that characters lose their weapon and armor proficiencies against this guy if they take damage?

Ever since the Wrath rulebook, we've said that powers are in the form of complete paragraphs. Things like proficiencies and hand sizes are therefore not powers (even though some of them can be gained as power feats), so they can't be turned off by Gashgelag.

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