Malwing |
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So I made a blog post about kickstarters that I've backed or are in my bookmark folder to stalk.
For anyone that has backed any of these or any kickstarter for that matter, what are your feelings on the products you're waiting for?
Are you watching kickstarters that you've missed?
Publishers, any news on any of these products?

MikeMyler |

So I made a blog post about kickstarters that I've backed or are in my bookmark folder to stalk.
Publishers, any news on any of these products?
Yis! My previous Kickstarter (suspiciously not on this list!) is finally published and should be on the Paizo store imminently. It is nearly 400 pages and awesome (100 alchemists/gunslingers/inquisitors/etc., 60 pages of new races/class archetypes, 200+ pages of campaign material, and more).
Writing and design for Hypercorps 2099 is moving along at a quick pace and the art schedule is nearly finalized. Right now I'm working with Backers to get their NPCs worked out and my writers are getting their copy for locales and NPCs in.
In short: we're on schedule!
(And Claudio Pozas is working on the cover -- next backer update will share his breathtaking progress :D)

Malwing |
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Verantea Codex wasn't on the list because I haven't been keeping track of it. I found out about it after it was done and at that point I wasn't entirely sure what it was so it kind of slipped through the cracks. Eventually I settled to looking at reviews when it came out to get a more clear idea of whether or not I felt I needed it.

sepik121 |
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Gonna make a long list here, cause I probably back way too many kickstarters. Been burned a couple of times by some video game ones, but so far when it comes to Pathfinder and pdf's, I've been really happy with the content I've gotten. There's been a few that got delayed, but I can wait. But even those ones have had me happier compared to some of the video game ones where it looks like no progress has happened in almost 3 years.
What I've backed so far:
It seems incredible and potentially awesome as a campaign setting. That said, 50k is a lot of money. Outside of a select few kickstarters that huge runaway successes, I don't see many kickstarters for pathfinder content hit that number. Best of luck to them, I've backed, but I'm skeptical that it's going to hit that number.
That's the only one that's currently on-going at the moment. I've got a few others (Steve Lichman is hilarious), but none strictly pathfinder related.
Northern Crown New World Adventures
Never really tried to run an alternate history style of game before, but the idea of a New World-era exploration across the US sounds awesome to me. The book itself looks pretty in-depth with a lot of fluff and some useful parts of crunch too. It only recently got funded this month, so now the waiting time begins.
I'm in a similar boat as Malwing here where Path of Shadows entirely sold me on getting this one. That said, I am excited for the classes in this one, especially the Saboteur and Vanguard. I didn't really look over the playtest, but I plan on skimming it a bit more later on.
Wardens of the Wild: Supplement for Elves
I'm a fan of TPK Games. The malefactor is one of my favorite classes, I use laying waste for my crits, and I've liked their other stuff in the past too. I'm looking to expand on elves in the next set of settings I write up and hopefully this book will help. Guy went radio silent for a long time which kind of sucked (This got funded in July), but the creator is looking like he's going to startup again here. Their preview spell they gave out (you turn so beautiful it hurts to look at you) is also one of the elfiest things I've ever seen. I love it.
While I don't use a whole ton of stuff from AAW, I do plan on writing up a mini-version of the Underdark from 3.5/PF in a future campaign of mine. Naturally, a bestiary of stuff that focus on underground creatures are going to be perfect for that. They're hoping to get the pdf out by late november, and they said that pretty recently too. Fingers crossed because the art is gorgeous in the book.
It's Pathfinder, but at it's most absurd. A huge amount of classes (I'm gonna have a power ranger villain used from this book) and they all seem really cool and unique thematically. Super hyped for the Architect which is like playing tower defense, but within pathfinder. They've recently released a WIP of what the book will be (no art, but all the classes are there) and again, I've loved what I have seen so far.
I've got way more stuff I've backed, but it's too much to keep writing out, I'll just quickly list everything I've backed that I haven't written about:
NeoExodus: the Campaign Setting
Cults of the Sundered Kingdoms

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I am all over any 5th edition kickstarters, but I did do that Small Dungeon Maps kickstarter that ended recently. Good stuff there.
I tend to shy away from adventures, because I'm all set for those (through Raging Swan). I wanted to do the Hypercorps 2099 AND Legendary Planet for their willingness to support 5th edition, but alas, my funds were insufficient.
Oh, and on your blog, I think you got the Steampunk Musha thing wrong. It's Fat Goblin, not Frog God.

silverhair2008 |

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I wish that I could support that one too. If it weren't a decision between that and Kobold Press (that is, if it had come later or earlier than the Tome of Beasts), I probably would have contributed. If I'm lucky, and I get some extra cash before the Borderlands kickstarter is done, I will contribute.
I'm currently in kickstarter hell. If something else awesome comes along before the end of the year, I'll be a sad panda.

Malwing |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

I really wish there was a sticky thread on this forum just for tracking Pathfinder related Kickstarters. I can't tell you how many times I've learned about an awesome Kickstarter after it's already closed.
I just wish people would talk to each other more about them in general. Sometimes something comes along and I'm not sure what to do because I don't know the company that much or why people are excited or not excited. But this goes mostly for old kickstarters. Most of the time you get a month to react after the announcement and then things are dead for a long while. I'd like to see the buzz going so that I can know that I can pick up the product when it gets an actual release. Or going before so I can prepare to back the darned thing.
Things I actually appreciated:
Spheres of Power put out some basic crunch as a free sample PDF. So does Mike Myler. This gives me something to chew on and something to keep the hype alive. I can actually do something while I'm waiting for this stuff. If I missed the train already it still means its something I can discover and get on they hype train as it passes so I can pick it up when it comes out.
The upcoming kickstarter for Crisis of the Worldeater is trying to bolster some hype months in advance. I know some people take issue with how they are trying to get attention but at the very least I know to put some money aside for later. Most of the time kickstarters feel sudden. I have to decide where my excess money goes before the end of the month so I have a month to decide whether or not I believe in the campaign or the product that's happening. I also have to decide whether or not in the months to years that that it will take for an actual product to come out of it will I even still be playing.

silverhair2008 |

MikeMyler |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Things I actually appreciated:Spheres of Power put out some basic crunch as a free sample PDF. So does Mike Myler. This gives me something to chew on and something to keep the hype alive. I can actually do something while I'm waiting for this stuff. If I missed the train already it still means its something I can discover and get on they hype train as it passes so I can pick it up when it comes out.
and a one
and a two;)

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I wish that I could support that one too. If it weren't a decision between that and Kobold Press (that is, if it had come later or earlier than the Tome of Beasts)...
Yeah, the Tome of Beasts kickstarter has been really going like gang-busters!
1,568 backers; $127,107 pledged so far with 5 days still to go!
Pretty exciting and amazing!

Malwing |

Lorathorn wrote:I wish that I could support that one too. If it weren't a decision between that and Kobold Press (that is, if it had come later or earlier than the Tome of Beasts)...Yeah, the Tome of Beasts kickstarter has been really going like gang-busters!
1,568 backers; $127,107 pledged so far with 5 days still to go!
Pretty exciting and amazing!
Christ, that's a big haul. I didn't think we liked Kobold Press THAT much.

silverhair2008 |

The Frog God Games KS was originally written for 5E but is in conversion to PF and S&W. So this is the first time they are offering anything in 3 systems. This KS is being used to judge how much interest there is in supporting their Campaign Setting books in 5E. If there is a significant amount of 5E interest they will consider converting their other products to 5E, but if not then there may only be adventures in 5E.
See my post above for a link.

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So I made a blog post about kickstarters that I've backed or are in my bookmark folder to stalk.
For anyone that has backed any of these or any kickstarter for that matter, what are your feelings on the products you're waiting for?
Are you watching kickstarters that you've missed?
Publishers, any news on any of these products?
Of the dozens of kickstarters I've backed, only one has completely renigged completely and the guy in charge basically took our 50k and decideded to bother. Which is sad, it was an RPG product from someone I thought I trusted because I knew him a little bit.
Double Fine hasn't completely renigged. they made the game. It's been out in it's final form for awhile but I have not yet received my boxed copy which is waiting on the blu-ray to be done. It has been well over 3 years now. I'm still waiting on the dungeons and dragons documentary litigation to get dealt with. I'm waiting on 3 board games and 2 other video game(Torment and Unsung Heroes) and just now a nice set of dice. I like kickstarter and it provides some good opportunities plus its interesting to look into that world and see how things go well and go wrong. I'm supporting Zombie Orpheus with their new adventure and it's a little spendy for a new gamers film. I hope they get it though: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deadgentlemen/the-gamers-natural-20-mo vie-and-cyber-run-board-ga

Hugo Solis |
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My favs RPGs KS are those from Kobold Press and Monte Cook Games, they handle their business super professionally, not to mention the top notch quality.
I've got burn a couple times with botched KS creators (once quite bad...) thou the money lost was minimal, and nowadays is much easier to spot doomed projects after week 1, so I think the risks are less, or at least we are not as naive.
I'd like to support the Aetherea game but I'm currently wife-banned from KS :P
And if only the KP Beast book KS was for Pathfinder...

DanielWarren |
hey everyone! I and my partner Dave Rapoza are former Pathfinder artists, and we have a kickstarter up for 1 more day for our comic about a dungeon full of monsters and their every day lives!
the books finished and you can read the first 60 pages for free off the KS page!
Steve Lichman Volume 1- Kickstarter and Free Preview
we hope you like it! if you miss the kickstarter and want a copy of the book, there will be a 15 day paypal window on www.stevelichman.com to reserve one before the orders go out!
thanks! we hope you like it!