Sanjiv |

1) If a Tower shield weighs maybe 45 lbs, how strong would a character have to be to reasonably wield it as an improvised weapon, while NOT having it strapped to his arm, or otherwise "equipped" as a shield? (So we're not talking about a shield bash, we're talking about using a two handed improvised weapon of some sort).
16 str means a character carries heavy objects with one arm.
18 means they can break objects like wood with bare hands.
20 means they are able to out-wrestle a work animal or catch a falling person.
2) How much damage would such a weapon do? It's heavier than anything I've seen in the weapons table, but it's weight is distributed in a more balanced way. In my mind, I'm imagining Proto Man (brother o Mega Man) using his signature shield as a weapon.
3) To switch between having the tower shield equipped as a shield, and having the tower shield equipped as an improvised weapon, is a move action all it'd take?
4) If someone is simply holding the tower shield without having it equipped as a shield, could it be used to grant partial cover?
5) If someone is non-proficient with a tower shield, can they use it as normal, except without the ability to also attack?

Guru-Meditation |

1. There are no stat-prereqs to wield stuff in pathfinder.
2. Blunt improvised weapons are normally all subsumed under club stats if they are somewhat hard & sturdy . = 1d6 , 20/x2 with a -4 to-hit because of their improvised status.
Personally as a DM i'd give an even higher penalty because it is significantly more unwieldy as lets say a broom or a broken off table chair. -6 or so i would say.
3. Yes.
4. No. You need to use it as a shield to cover behind your shield (aka get Cover)
5. Normal non-proficiency rules apply. Tower Sheilds can not be used to shield bash. Proficiency has nothing to do with this.

alexd1976 |

1. There are no stat-prereqs to wield stuff in pathfinder.
2. Blunt improvised weapons are normally all subsumed under club stats if they are somewhat hard & sturdy . = 1d6 , 20/x2 with a -4 to-hit because of their improvised status.
Personally as a DM i'd give an even higher penalty because it is significantly more unwieldy as lets say a broom or a broken off table chair. -6 or so i would say.3. Yes.
4. No. You need to use it as a shield to cover behind your shield (aka get Cover)
5. Normal non-proficiency rules apply. Tower Sheilds can not be used to shield bash. Proficiency has nothing to do with this.
Regarding point 4, I play with someone who has one (no proficiency) who has put spikes on the bottom... he jabs it into the ground, then uses it... as cover.
Would you say you can do this or no? If not, why not?

CampinCarl9127 |

I probably just flat out wouldn't allow this without ridiculous penalties. In my mind, trying to swing a blunt 45 lb object around is just impractical. I'm a pretty in-shape guy who lifts on a regular basis, and those 45 lb weights would be completely impractical weapons for any purpose more difficult than a coup de grace.
Of course this is completely based on real world logic and GM fiat, not stated by RAW anywhere, except that improvised weapons are subject to GM discretion. Expect table variance.

Sanjiv |

So how strong (or what str score) would a character have to be in order for the item to not be unwieldy?
For interesting real world reference, see these weird illustrations of shield/spike/staffs Notice how the shields are being held in such a way that their weight is balanced, making it less unwieldy for the user.

Dave Justus |

1) I would probably keep with the 'no str requirements' from pathfinder
2) The object is large and heavy, which would increase its damage, but it is also unwieldy and heavy which would make it hard to swing quickly. I'd say these two balance out, so I'd probably give it a 1d6 damage like a club.
3) yes move action.
4) no
5) you don't have to be proficient to use armor or a shield, but you do take various penalties.
Regarding point 4, I play with someone who has one (no proficiency) who has put spikes on the bottom... he jabs it into the ground, then uses it... as cover.
Would you say you can do this or no? If not, why not?
Absolutely not. Cover from a tower shield is an active use, not a passive use, of the tower shield that requires a standard action each round.
This is trying to create an improvised wall. I might be willing to let such an improvised wall be placed as a move action and let it grant a regular cover (+4 to ac) for the first attack, after which any wall which could be so easily place would be knocked down. That is the most generous I could see myself being for this tactic.