[TPK Games] Introducing the Demonologist Class!

Product Discussion

Shadow Lodge

The demonologist base class is a new hybrid class by Total Party Kill Games. The demonologist is a master of the infernal arts, a summoner of great power, who uses not eidolons, but demonic servants. He wields the dark arts like a witch, capable of maelific hexes that bind mortals and demonic ilk alike.

Within these pages lie a fantastic new class that is both fun to play and who could make a truly challenging villain unlike any other in your repertoire.

This 20 level base class comes complete with 30 new hexes, new archetypes like the Fiendflesh Disciple, the Infernal Traitor, the Sacrifist, the Rakshasa-bound Zakyas, plus 23 new feats, new spells and magic items!

Do not bow to evil, make it bow to you!

This PDF is extensively hyperlinked and linked to the d20pfsrd.com website for ease of use.

Shadow Lodge

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Available here!

So, bought this on a whim, which I'm absolutely enjoying right now. Quick question about a possible typo, on page 22 (23 including cover), where it goes over the Demonologist Hexes, there are 2 separate sections for "Major Hexes".

One of the sections (where it says Major Hexes) is in small black letters and includes consuming fire, demonic command, etc. The next "Major Hex" section is in red and a bit bigger, and includes Doom Gaze, Flames of Retribution, etc.

I'm just wondering if these are supposed to be in one bigger group or if there's a reason for the difference. Are they just both considered Major Hexes then?

Shadow Lodge

I think the answer is yes, it's a typo. I believe they are supposed to be one category, since the Demonologist doesn't have grand hexes.

What's the next outsider class lined up?

Shadow Lodge

I think our next class will be the Ultimate Amazon, which isn't outsider themed, but will be similar to our Ultimate Gladiator book in style.

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