Veil spell and size reduction

Rules Questions

In an upcoming encounter the party will run into a Huge creature (we'll call him Ben) that's using the Veil spell to appear as a medium creature. Veil, a 6th level wizard/Bard spell, states:

The subjects look, feel, and smell just like the creatures the spell makes them resemble.

Veil has the Glamer tag. Glamer states:

A glamer spell changes a subject's sensory qualities, making it look, feel, taste, smell, or sound like something else, or even seem to disappear.

How do these rules elements interact with Ben's original size?

For example, can Ben fit through a doorway sized for medium creatures? What happens if another creature walks through the space huge-size Ben would occupy while Veiled? Is Ben treated as a medium or huge creature when using spells like Dimension Door or Teleport?

Dark Archive

Glamer's are unreal, so they cannot produce affects that would really alter physics--a huge creature striding through a medium door is clearly out. The veil makes Ben's extraneous parts invisible, and perhaps changes their tactile sensation, but a character walking into those squares would still bump into something. Even if the tactile sensation was changed, they'd know they had trouble moving forward and would get the new save allowed when interacting with the illusion--they'd also be tipped off that something was strange was going on. Ben is still huge for all effects regarding spells, glamers don't change the underlying material, they only screw with the senses of observers.

Dark Archive

SRD wrote:
Because figments and glamers are unreal, they cannot produce real effects the way that other types of illusions can. Figments and glamers cannot cause damage to objects or creatures, support weight, provide nutrition, or provide protection from the elements. Consequently, these spells are useful for confounding foes, but useless for attacking them directly.

I was afraid of that. Ben appears in an AP, and the printed tactics are tricky to implement because of Veil's limitations. I'll probably replace Veil with Alter Self in Ben's stat block.

Thanks for the clarification! ☺

In addition to the text quoted above that it's "not real", IIRC, I think a double layer of why this fails is that objects also automatically succeed on their will saves against illusions, which would mean the doorway is not fooled anyway and again implies that it absolutely would not allow you to pass based on your actual size.

At which point observers would notice this being very odd (either that a tiny dude banged into a door mantle he doesn't seem to touch, OR a huge guy phased through a doorway) and should probably be given a will save.

Dark Archive

I'd never considered a huge creature casting alter self. Kinda funny that they become smaller but gain strength. Anyway, that is a good solution. Just remember if the guy is trying to imitate someone in particular rather than just a random person of the chosen race you might need a Disguise Self layered on top of it.

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