Set up for some Non-Core Race PCs


This is basically some advice for some PCs that I have in mind that aren't from core races. I have a good number of them, but I'll give a basic crunch on what I'm planning for each PC.

Female Tiefling PC: I'm planning to make her an enchanter with a viper familiar and illusion and necromancy for forbidden schools. My key stats for her would be Dexterity, Intelligence (obviously) and Charisma. I believe her combat style will basically being a supporter-she will contain some damaging spells, but she'll mainly try to charm or daze enemies to either subdue them or set them up for stronger allies to attack.

Male Goblin PC: Mainly for a We Be Goblins PbP, I'm probably going to have this one be a ranger with dwarves or vermin as a favored enemy. Obviously, his best stat will be Dexterity, though a good Constitution and Wisdom I'm also planning. He'll probably stick to an archer, fighting from a distance and letting the others fight either from melee or magic.

Male Tengu PC: This PC I'm planning to be an oracle (of the bones mystery with the tongues [Aklo] curse). With his blade proficiency, I'm planning on keeping a one-handed or light melee weapon (maybe a rapier or a longsword), while he also gets the Armor of Bones mystery starting at first level. I'm definitely giving him Toughness as his first feat, and his main stats will be Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma.

Any and all advice will be great.

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