Dual-Cursed Heavens Oracle


Sovereign Court

I tried to make a heavens oracle bassed in battlefield control with color spray and the re-rolls that Dual-Curse gives to the group.
I planned to expend in feats that improve the dc of color spray (spell focus, persistent spell, etc) and the magical linage trait and gnome for the +1 on ilussion.
I just figured that if i take the dual curse, i loose the spell color spray for ill omen.
There´s a way to gain that spell without dip into another class? I relly want the color-spray and the missfortune combo for the control.

Sorry if my english isnt pretty good

Grand Lodge

XigXag is a dual-cursed Heaven's Oracle who became a sorcerer. Take one level of Dual Cursed Heaven's Oracle then take the rest of your levels in Sorcerer. Color Spray is a Sorcerer spell. So it works just as you want it to work. This does require multi-classing, though.

XigXag is a Nature Sorcerer, and has the feat Boon Companion. This gives him an at-level Animal Companion for his entire career.

This approach is really a full sorcerer who dipped one level as Dual Cursed Heaven's Oracle. This is an absurdly powerful and effective combination.

A word of caution, Heaven's Oracles are a great way to infuriate your DM-- Awesome Display takes problematic spells like Color Spray and Rainbow Pattern and rurns them up to 11.

Sovereign Court

Ok thanks for the advice!
There´s another way to avoid multi-classing?

Samsaran - Mystic Past Life

Edit: ...does not work.

Grand Lodge

I second LeesusFreak's comment about DM hate for both Heaven's Oracles and Dual Cursed Oracles. Check in with your GM before you play such a powerful PC. XigXag is a boss-crushing machine, to the point where other PFS players complained that his presence made things too easy. After receiving several complaints XigXag toned down the boss-killing, such that he now lets other players battle for a few combat rounds before destroying the boss. Make sure your GM understands both those power-sets, and what they will do to the GM's encounters.

His favorite way to annihilate bosses is via the 1st level Command spell. He will position himself such that anyone approaching him must run a gauntlet of AoOs, then Command the boss (forcing multiple high-DC saves, which they nearly always fail) to Approach. Then he runs away and cackles with glee as the boss wastes its turn following him, takes multiple AoOs, and winds up in a hopeless tactical situation, usually flanked by several melee PCs.

A ring of spell knowledge could get you ill omen.

Sovereign Court

Mmm thats right, maybe a heavens oracle with dual curse can be a pain for my GM.
Any other controll spell thats no so op to use? You say focus on command spells with the doble-curse is overpowered too?

Color Spray is a bonus spell. Dual-Cursed replaces your first level bonus spell. Ring of Spell Knowledge therefore won't help.

Grand Lodge

Correct, Ring of Spell Knowledge won't help. Dipping sorcerer, or vice versa, is one way for a Dual Cursed Oracle to get Color Spray. I'm personally allergic to the approach, but Samsaran Past Life will also do it.

If you only take one level of Oracle then you want to buy a Ring of Revelations asap. That way you can get both available really good Revelations: Misfortune and Awesome Display.

Ooh, I thought he was looking for the witch spell "Ill Omen" just to make it worse. :P

Ring of Spell Knowledge lets you grab spells from other lists, just at a higher level.

Edit- maybe not, guess it's only for arcane casters.

Sovereign Court

Thats sounds good for me, thanks!

Grand Lodge

A comment:

Don't do Dual-Cursed with a Heavens Oracle unless you are multi-classing sorcerer.


Dual-cursed oracles trade out mystery spells, and you will lose your color spray. This is a really bad idea.

Another option to consider would be to make a Half-Elf instead of a Gnome. You lose the +1 racial bonus to the DC of Illusion spells, BUT you then qualify for Ancient Lore Keeper, which will let you choose Sorcerer/Wizard spells as your bonus spells. You will have to wait until 4th level to take Color Spray, but it will count as a 2nd level spell so that gets your +1 DC back, at least for that one spell.

Nevermind: you can't be an Ancient Lore Keeper and a Dual-Cursed Oracle at the same time. Ah, well.

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