Rogues: Let their Talents work as spells

Homebrew and House Rules

After a full 8 hours of rest, the Rogue wakes with no known Talents.
Talents are gained each day in the order used, chosen freely from all Talents that the Rogue qualifies for.

Would this improve the Rogue?

I wouldn't really call it spells and it would definitely improve them, by how much would require testing.

I guess it depends on your taste. I personally hate the whole rest and have a whole new set of abilities / skills for the day. I tolerate it with Wizard spells, but it really irks me with feats (seen in many fighter remakes) and done with talents it bothers me just as much. To me it just feels like another wizard based on different stats.

I would rather see them have a "pool" like panache, grit, or ki points. Call it "Moxy" or something and have it equal to 1/2 Rogue Level + Int Mod with most Rogue Talents worth 1 point to activate.

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