Spirit dancer medium archetype

Rules Questions

So I had a question about the spirt dancer. So the spirt dance only alters the spirit surge ability. My question is do I still get the 1d6 surge? I understand it says I can't choose a weaker spirit to gain additional uses of the surge without occurring the influence, so based on how it's worded I still get it correct?

You only have access to Spirit Surge while you are in a spirit dance -- so most of the time you do not have it. But when it is available, you get the same die as any other medium of your level.

I have a question about the Spirit Dancer archtype too. Does the spirit dancer follow the same rules about favored locations? If so, it might be hard to find a location that fits two or three spirits at once, let alone all six of them.


hogarth wrote:
I have a question about the Spirit Dancer archtype too. Does the spirit dancer follow the same rules about favored locations? If so, it might be hard to find a location that fits two or three spirits at once, let alone all six of them.

It asks you to make the decisions as if you were channeling one spirit of each legend, but that's it; you don't actually have to be able to access them all at the location.

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