Soul_Fly |
Ok, I'm kind of new to buying digital books of RPG adventures. Usually I stick to core rulebooks, but Hell's Rebels seems like a fun AP so I decided to give it a try.
Since these days most of my RPG time is only possible online, through roll20, I was disappointed to find out that there is no love for web based RPG.
There are no maps that I can import to that plataform.
Of course I could just capture a screenshot of the PDF file, but not only that would give me a low quality image it would give me some extra work (and if would invest time in doing this, I could as well crack the password to open the pdf in photoshop and get a better image).
So I would like to ask a question, is Paizo currently planning on releasing the maps and handouts in a easy to use format, so people can import those to web based RPG plataform?
Not only that, I was thinking on buying the soundtrack as well... but decided against it out of fear of it having a similar protection. Does anyone knows if it is possible to import those audio files to roll20?
Since Paizo is willing to sell PDF books, it could as well go all the way and make them compatible to web plataforms. It only makes sense.
evillmonkey |
If you subscribe to the adventure path, you get a physical copy, a pdf copy, and interactive maps for the issue. At some point after the AP finishes, they release a compilation of these interactive maps.
Take a look here for some previous maps: Interactive Maps
Joana |
It's my uneducated understanding that the Interactive Map files don't actually import to VTT software but are for use on a monitor at a live game. Please correct me if I am wrong.
However, I regularly export maps from the standard PDFs for use in MapTool by using the select tool to copy them from Adobe Reader, pasting them into Paint to crop/edit, and then importing them into MapTool. No Prt Scn required.