Savage Tide for 5E with a huge change.....need advice.

Savage Tide Adventure Path

The Exchange

I am running a 5E game through Savage Tide but I took it totally off the rails. The group was borderline amoral and went along with Rowyn's idea of joining the Lotus Dragons and they want to rebuild the guild and undermine the nobles, essentially taking over Sasserine's port and ousting the ruling government in favor of turning it back into a bandit-kingdom cityish thing....
They are currently double agenting between Lavinia and Rowyn with their primary allegiance being to Rowyn. They met and took down Vanthus and have retrieved a couple journals of the Vanderboren's parents that outline plans to settle a remote island rich in resources and corner the market on the exotic exports of the island, a journal of Vanthus' outlining his plans to backstab the Lotus Dragons and kill his sister, and some maps outlining the route to the Isle of Dread with some cool stop offs on the way like Tomoachan (sp?) and such....
My problem....I am free-forming the entire adventure from here on. I need some ideas on what resources I can mine for good adventure locales and maps. I need a good Tomoachan stand in. I would love to find some good ship-at-sea adventures besides the ones from Savage Tide. And I need to figure out how to roll in some political intrigue and the taking over of the city.
I need ideas.
I have also added in Sanity as a stat and toss in some madness in a Lovecraftian manner with my game (the Savage Fever feeds into this well).
Thanks for any ideas and thoughts that may help.

I do not see that you need to change much.

Sea Wyverns Wake
Most of this will do as written (obviously converted to 5E). The stowaway would need to be changed.

Here There be Monsters
Likewise, you can ship wreaked the party. They journey to safety.

Tides of Dread
The politics of Farshore will have to change and the way the party deals with the challenges from the locals can change. But the basics can stay the same.

The whole bad people fighting worse people can be great fun

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I agree with Halfrick; for those adventures, the party's main motivation is survival, which shouldn't be an alignment dependent motivation.


The Exchange

"went along with Rowyn's idea of joining the Lotus Dragons and they want to rebuild the guild and undermine the nobles, essentially taking over Sasserine's port and ousting the ruling government in favor of turning it back into a bandit-kingdom cityish thing....
They are currently double agenting between Lavinia and Rowyn with their primary allegiance being to Rowyn. They met and took down Vanthus and have retrieved a couple journals of the Vanderboren's parents that outline plans to settle a remote island rich in resources and corner the market on the exotic exports of the island, a journal of Vanthus' outlining his plans to backstab the Lotus Dragons and kill his sister, and some maps outlining the route to the Isle of Dread with some cool stop offs on the way like Tomoachan (sp?) and such....
My problem....I am free-forming the entire adventure from here on. I need some ideas on what resources I can mine for good adventure locales and maps. I need a good Tomoachan stand in. I would love to find some good ship-at-sea adventures besides the ones from Savage Tide. And I need to figure out how to roll in some political intrigue and the taking over of the city.
I need ideas. "

Just to refresh what I was looking for...not a "you can still run it like it is" response. I am looking for changes that show the changes in their expectations and character developments. I am certainly going to mine a lot of Savage Tide for the going to Isle of Dread parts but I am looking to make it more personalized for them and what they have decided would be fun in their game. Anyone that can provide advice and help along those lines would be appreciated.

Ok, so they are staying in Sasserine. Myself, Sasserine is Freeport. Using those sources can be a help even if you do not make Sasserine into Freeport.

I also use the Skull and Shackles AP from time to time for filling in gaps. If you aren't going to be running the Savage Tide, I'm not sure why they kicked your post over here.

Council of Thieves can be useful for maps of urban areas. Likewise Curse of the Crimson Throne and likely the upcoming Hell's Rebels and Vengeance APs. For jungle exploration in the Amedio, Serpent's Skull.

Razor Coast is more heroic in nature than what you have planned, but again, it provides a coastal city setting that you might mine for NPCs and ideas. In my game, I've moved that to Port Toli, up north in the Sea Prince's Hold.

Other than that, I find old Dungeon magazines great. There is one called...uh...I actually have utterly forgotten. War of the Wielded or something, but it takes place in Sasserine, which is why I mention it. I also used Fall of Greymalkin (loosely) to represent a civil war between the Witchwardens.

If you want to surf my wiki for stuff from Sasserine, here you go.

Personally, I would throw a whole lot of Skull and Shackles in there and depending on where you are setting this (Greyhawk? he says hopefully), plotting to overthrow the nobles of Sasserine could morph into overthrowing the pirate king (or Sea Prince as you prefer).

There was also a very good Savage Tidings article in Dragon that detailed the area around Sasserine including lots of juicy dungeons to explore. Kain mentions War of the Wielded which is worth a look as well.

I have been mulling over a Shackled City / Savage Tide / Skull and Shackles / Serpent's Skull mashup for years but never really got far with details.

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