Critique My Item 2.0 thread

RPG Superstar™ General Discussion

Dedicated Voter Season 9

I've received wonderful advice for improving my item from various competitors, past and present. This is a thread for those who, like me, have spent some time revising their original submission and are ready for a second round of feedback:

Sphere of Raging Waters
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 7th
Slot none; Price 9,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs

The depths of this dark blue sphere seem to sink into a bottomless watery oblivion as its surface roils in endless turbulence. The bearer of the sphere can release these waters on command—emptying the waters of the sphere in a raging flood as flowing water (Core Rulebook, 432) in a direction of their choosing, completely flooding up to twelve 5-foot squares with water.

By manipulating the sphere, rotating it in one direction or another as a square fills, the user determines the current’s direction in that square, and can adjust the square’s flow rate from 10 to 90 feet per round. At the beginning of their next turn however the waters surge back into the sphere, dragging any trapped creatures with them on a successful drag check (using the bearer’s CMB) until the waters are again released. Dragging a creature through the water does not provoke any attacks of opportunity.

Trapped creatures can swim free of the sphere with a successful DC 20 swim check; landing in a square of their choosing adjacent to or near the sphere holder. If the sphere is emptied while a creature is trapped within, this creature is released at the forefront of the flood, moving through the turbid waters to the farthest available flood square.

Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Control Water; Cost 4,500 gp

Original Submission::
Flood in a Bag
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot none; Price 5,235 gp (type I), 10,470 gp (type II), 15,630 gp (type III), 20,940 gp (type IV); Weight 2 lbs

The sides of these small dark blue leather belt pouches contain intricate brocade patterns of foam-capped waves poised above a scenic landscape. Aficionados searching the flotsam within the patterns often locate interesting items.

A command word activates the pouch, expanding it into a Bag of Holding, using the appropriate statistics by type.

Once per day the bearer of a Flood in a Bag can cause water to gush forth from the bag’s mouth by opening it and issuing a second command word; generating up to 4, 8, 12, or 16 five foot cubes of water per round until the bag is closed (a free action for the user). Cubes must form a contiguous figure radiating outward from the bag’s mouth and last 3 rounds or until the bag closes. Holding the bag open in subsequent rounds is a standard action requiring two hands and does not provoke.

Water within the cubes flows as whitewater rapids (Core Rulebook, 432)directly away from the bag’s mouth. Creatures entirely encompassed within the water move 60 feet downstream at the end of their turn. Those ejected from the water by this movement may attempt a DC 10 Acrobatics check to prematurely end their movement. Creatures only partially within the water are instead knocked prone unless they make a DC 20 Acrobatics and are not moved. Swarms caught in the water immediately disperse; reforming 1d4 rounds after the bag is closed.
Requirements Craft Wondrous items,Secret Chest, Hydraulic Push, Control Water; Cost 2,617.5 gp (type I), 5,235 gp (type II), 7,815 gp (type III), 10,470 gp (type IV)

Shadow Lodge Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Still waiting on feedback. Will be glad to join after such feedback is given.

Star Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9

I usually kick the Blazing 9 off with a revision of submitted items. Until then, I will focus on the other rounds and particularly on the other contestants. :)
(I will give you feedback then :)

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